

Realistic beauty of K-wonder women
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Did you know “Preset” button? 🤗🤩

Did you know “Preset” button? 🤗🤩

Preset buttonThe new feature was announced on 9/23, but I didn’t really pay attention to it. I just learned that it’s one of my long-waited wishlist items!! 😍😂Save your setting by PresetBy pressing the “preset” button at the bottom of your workspace, you can save your current setting with prompts! And you can recall it back to workspace by choosing it from the preset list!! 🤩For example, you created a great anime by some trial and error like this. 😂 So far, the only way you recreate it after a long time later is to publish it and then remix it. However, if it was too long ago, it might be very painful to look for the posting and time consuming! Not any more! 😂🤗Go to the preset button at the bottom of workspace. Click it.Then type in the title of the setting you want and save!! That’s it! 🤗 You can see that it’s stored as new preset menu in the list! 🥳Recall your setting from PresetBy clicking the menu you want from the preset list, you can recall your favorite prompt and setting back to workspace any time you want~ Great work, well done~ TA! 👍
K-WW season 1 🤗😉

K-WW season 1 🤗😉

K-WW story link collectionThis funny story of K-WW (Korean-wonder woman) was created since last year when I began to use Tensor Art. I thought it might be fun and helpful to train myself by generating images based on some storyline. So I started this series and the process was not really easy at all~ LOL. ChatGPT helped me make the storyline and generate some prompts. Since all the episodes are buried in the old postings, I wanted to make a place to show them as links in order. If you get curious about this and look into it, it will be probably waste of your time. Don't tell me that I didn't warn you~ LOL. I couldn't find some missing episodes. They must be gone. I can remake them some time later or not... 🤗😉⛈️ If you are a Netflix and/or DC comic staff and interested in making this as a spin-off of Wonder Woman story line, please feel free to contact me~ LOL. 🤗😉⛈️K-WW Season 1:There are 5 sub stories in season 1.sub 1: the beginning (ep. 1~15)sub 2: Re:O (ep. 16~21)sub 3: Ambushed (ep. 22~35)sub 4: Counterattack (ep. 36~47)sub 5: Brilliant Darkness (ep. 48~54)The Beginningepisode 1: [K-WW HJ part-1 the beginning] https://tensor.art/images/651906148104127514?post_id=651908093719872210episode 2: [KWW HJ part-2] https://tensor.art/images/651915639981666253?post_id=651917426683880380episode 3: [K-WW TR part-2] https://tensor.art/images/652189298117948704?post_id=652190943086241741episode 4: [K-WW NR part-1] https://tensor.art/images/652220896192374588?post_id=652225058011529607episode 5: [K-WW HJ part-3] https://tensor.art/images/652175614352293265?post_id=652178771148826148episode 6: [K-WW HJ part-4] https://tensor.art/images/652173071731633257?post_id=652178019529542883episode 7: [K-WW NR part-2] https://tensor.art/images/652303209240545207?post_id=652321518682105593episode 8: [K-WW NR part-3] https://tensor.art/images/652524752243643532?post_id=652601430290697752episode 9: [K-WW HG ?] https://tensor.art/images/651859917076003634?post_id=651887417747391241episode 10: [K-WW TR part-5] https://tensor.art/images/653747456418420991?post_id=653747507953834663episode 11: [K-WW HJ part-6] https://tensor.art/images/653975459052347045?post_id=653975493407891370episode 12: [K-WW HJ part-7/TR part-8] https://tensor.art/images/654172155669567771?post_id=654172194320079487episode 13: [K-WW NR part-4] https://tensor.art/images/653770168205408073?post_id=653770198265985123episode 14: [K-WW NR part-5] https://tensor.art/images/654220478346508841?post_id=654220525586955186episode 15: [K-WW NR part-6] https://tensor.art/images/654259863196717832?post_id=654259919027098882Re:Oepisode 16: [K-WW Re:O part-1] https://tensor.art/images/653832282022449960?post_id=653832303493092325episode 17: [K-WW Re:O part-2] https://tensor.art/images/654003097166817499?post_id=654003118637459811episode 18: [K-WW Re:O part-3] missingepisode 19: [K-WW Re:O part-4] https://tensor.art/images/654036670926131968?post_id=654036700986708928episode 20: [K-WW Re:O part-5] missingepisode 21: [K-WW Re:O part-6] https://tensor.art/images/654707226990089503?post_id=654708923497990698Ambushedepisode 22: [K-WW Ambushed part-1] https://tensor.art/images/654884841067735220?post_id=654887808885966270episode 23: [K-WW Ambushed part-2] https://tensor.art/images/654895840479067868?post_id=654895879129579472episode 24: [K-WW Ambushed part-3] https://tensor.art/images/655292734111971471?post_id=655292785647385281episode 25: [K-WW Ambushed part-4] https://tensor.art/images/655308144454503529?post_id=655308230349655814episode 26: [K-WW Ambushed part-5] https://tensor.art/images/656204246431145239?post_id=656205156960023813episode 27: [K-WW Ambushed part-6] missingepisode 28: [K-WW Ambushed part-7] missingepisode 29: [K-WW Ambushed part-8] https://tensor.art/images/657053438774898895?post_id=657053520375083947episode 30: [K-WW Ambushed part-9] https://tensor.art/images/657374358731394470?post_id=657375763181511960episode 31: [K-WW Ambushed part-10] https://tensor.art/images/657469324753289291?post_id=657469376288702939episode 32: [K-WW Ambushed part-11] https://tensor.art/images/658428790382364691?post_id=658428871982549480episode 33: [K-WW Ambushed part-12] https://tensor.art/images/658563755434687954?post_id=658563845624807651episode 34: [K-WW Ambushed part-13] https://tensor.art/images/662571084475878542?post_id=662571114536455545episode 35: [K-WW Ambushed part-14] https://tensor.art/images/663093610197081003?post_id=663093683207331527Counterattackepisode 36: [K-WW Counterattack part-1] https://tensor.art/images/663344964568228486?post_id=663344990333838259episode 37: [K-WW Counterattack part-2] https://tensor.art/images/663445350838940647?post_id=663445445324027786episode 38: [K-WW Counterattack part-3] https://tensor.art/images/664199113304401174?post_id=664199160544847568episode 39: [K-WW Counterattack part-4] https://tensor.art/images/664866117430377342?post_id=664866160375856384episode 40: [K-WW Counterattack part-5] https://tensor.art/images/665307923536354308?post_id=665404057785108486episode 41: [K-WW Counterattack part-6] missingepisode 42: [K-WW Counterattack part-7] https://tensor.art/images/668086196146105539?post_id=668086196141911240episode 43: [K-WW Counterattack part-8] https://tensor.art/images/672784954792437121?post_id=672787295545437289episode 44: [K-WW Counterattack part-9] https://tensor.art/images/674462517478621216?post_id=674462517474426921episode 45: [K-WW Counterattack part-10] https://tensor.art/images/674519546054543401?post_id=674519546050349103episode 46: [ K-WW Counterattack part-11 ] https://tensor.art/images/681862780489305367?post_id=681862780485111065episode 47: [K-WW Counterattack part-12] https://tensor.art/images/684255979216425888?post_id=684255979212231597Brilliant Darknessepisode 48: [K-WW Brilliant Darkness part-1] https://tensor.art/images/700546313428863146?post_id=700546313424668845episode 48-2: [ K-WW Awakening part-1 ] https://tensor.art/images/746206127932470625?post_id=746206127928276327 (This is made by mistake forgetting the previous episode and must be replaced by Brilliant Darkness part-1.)episode 49: [K-WW Brilliant Darkness part-2] https://tensor.art/images/771456575673204376?post_id=771456575669010079episode 50: [K-WW Brilliant Darkness part-3] https://tensor.art/images/777343670165761088?post_id=777343670161566788episode 51: [K-WW Brilliant Darkness part-4] https://tensor.art/images/777361794927929168?post_id=777361794923734866episode 52: [K-WW Brilliant Darkness part-5] https://tensor.art/images/777534744671025864?post_id=777534744666831561episode 53: [K-WW Brilliant Darkness part-6] https://tensor.art/images/777774339421483552?post_id=777774339417289254episode 54: [K-WW Brilliant Darkness Season Finale part-7] https://tensor.art/posts/778000551049703075
Radio Buttons are awesome in AI Tools: [How to set-up guide]

Radio Buttons are awesome in AI Tools: [How to set-up guide]

Dear Tensorians,Thanks to the implemented feature of radio buttons for AI Tools, we can use the AI tools with much more fun now. Because I'm the one who insisted to implement it and more importantly the radio button's setting import/export features, I'll give an easy tutorial about them for the beginners. 🤗😉https://tensor.art/template/765762196352358016This is an example AI tool using radio buttons. You can see the cool radio buttons on the right. Yes! The cool thing about radio button GUI is that you don't have to remember or re-type all those crazy prompt words at all any more. You can store them in those buttons and click them! Especially if you have a very wide range of different prompting styles as most users are, you cannot even remember them all. I bet you already have your own backup memo file for those special prompts lol. Yes, we have to do it for important prompts. However, more conveniently, if you make this kind of AI tool with radio button UI, you can just store them online next to you all the time. You can click on the buttons and generate various images whenever you want, even when you are driving (just kidding, don't ever do that lol). Of course you can add extra prompt together with the buttons. (Click "custom" button and you can always input more prompt!)To create the radio buttons, click edit in the ... menu.Then you move to the EDIT page of the AI tool.in the middle of the page, you see the user-configurable settings.By clicking "Add" button, you can choose your AI interface. By clicking "edit" in the prompt's text box, you can enter the radio buttons option page.From the scratch, you can choose the pre-defined groups and buttons. In addition, you can add your own new buttons! Make a button name and its content. The content is part of prompts you want to add for the button's place.After you are done with all the button settings, click "confirm" and then "publish" your AI tool. Then you'll see your cool radio buttons in the AI tool. (Note that there are certain prompt text box nodes in comfyUI unable to edit for buttons. Basic text prompt nodes and more nodes can be used for button edit. You can check it after you publish your workflow into a tool. If it doesn't support the radio buttons, use different prompt text nodes.)Whenever you update your workflow for the AI tool, all the AI tool UI is reset to none!! Yes. It was a real headache at the beginning. However, now we have a cool import/export button for the radio buttons! (Thanks God~ 👯‍♀️⛈💯🤗). BTW, when you edit the button groups, you might choose part of the 6 or 7 groups (e.g, "character settings" and "role" groups) first and add some nice buttons, then later you change your mind and want to add another group, e.g., "style" group, however, if you press the add button for that, your previous button data will be gone!! You restart from the beginning. Be very careful! (You'll understand what I mean when it happens. lol)Before updating your workflow, you can export the radio button settings as a JSON file. Then you can import it back in later anytime you want. More importantly, you can just edit the radio buttons from the editors (like MS visual studio) for easier copy and paste from the existing files. Trust me. This will save your enormous amount of time remaking those terrible buttons all the time whenever the workflow is modified.Sometimes you must want to edit an existing button JSON file for another AI tool. Editing a JSON file is not really an entertaining work. However, it's much better than remaking the whole radio buttons at GUI~ So find the place to edit in the JSON file and change it very carefully. The JSON syntax is not very editor-friendly and error-prone. But you'll get used to it soon by trial and errors. It's always useful to use "find" command to look for the button you want in the file. You'll realize more interesting things while using the button JSON files. I'll leave them for your own pleasant surprise~ LOL.I shared my JSON file of the AI tool in the comfy-chatroom of Discord. Feel free to use it.I hope this article helped you make the radio button UI more easily. Enjoy~ 🤗😉⛈