Combine Faces with SD3.5L
Combine Faces with SD3.5L
Combine Faces with SD3.5L
Please upload a clear, front-facing photo of the face you want to transform and enter the prompt so the AI Tool can generate a new image with your original face.
Sensitive content (17+)
Collage, mixed media
The Facial Expression Adjuster is a versatile AI tool that enables detailed customization of facial expressions. It allows users to precisely control parameters such as pitch, yaw, and roll for head positioning, blink and wink for eye expressions, eyebrow movement, pupil positioning, and even phonetic mouth shapes like "A", "E", and "W" sounds. Additionally, the smile setting lets users adjust the intensity of smiles, making this tool ideal for creating realistic and dynamic facial animations. Perfect for animators, designers, and AI enthusiasts looking to bring digital characters to life with fine-tuned emotional expressions.Expression Adjustment Parametersrotate_pitch: Up and down rotation (controls the up-and-down rotation angle of the image)rotate_yaw: Left and right rotation (controls the left-and-right rotation angle of the image)rotate_roll: Rotation angle (rotates around the center of the image)blink: Blink (controls the degree of eye closure)eyebrow: Eyebrow (controls eyebrow movement)wink: Wink (controls one-eye blink)pupil_x: Pupil horizontal position (controls left-right position of the pupil)pupil_y: Pupil vertical position (controls up-down position of the pupil)Pronunciation Shape Parametersaaa: Shape for “A” sound (controls mouth opening shape)eee: Shape for “E” soundwoo: Shape for “W” soundExpression Settingssmile: Smile (controls the degree of smiling)ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー表情調整パラメーターrotate_pitch:上下回転(画像の上下回転角度を制御)rotate_yaw:左右回転(画像の左右回転角度を制御)rotate_roll:回転角度(画像の中心を回転)blink:瞬き(目の閉じ具合を制御)eyebrow:眉毛(眉の動きを制御)wink:ウィンク(一方の目のウィンク)pupil_x:瞳孔の水平位置(瞳孔の左右位置を制御)pupil_y:瞳孔の垂直位置(瞳孔の上下位置を制御)発音形状パラメーターaaa:発音「A」の形状(口の開き方を制御)eee:発音「E」の形状woo:発音「W」の形状表情設定smile:微笑(微笑の程度を制御)ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー表情调整参数rotate_pitch:上下旋转(控制图像上下的旋转角度)rotate_yaw:左右旋转(控制图像左右的旋转角度)rotate_roll:旋转角度(绕图像中心旋转)blink:眨眼(控制眼睛的闭合程度)eyebrow:眉毛(控制眉毛的移动)wink:眨眼(单眼眨眼)pupil_x:瞳孔水平位置(控制瞳孔的左右位置)pupil_y:瞳孔垂直位置(控制瞳孔的上下位置)发音形态参数aaa:发音“A”的形态(控制嘴部张开的形态)eee:发音“E”的形态woo:发音“W”的形态表情设置smile:微笑(控制微笑的程度)
✨ Create Beautiful & Realistic portrait with your face!❗️ Please upload a clear, front-facing photo of the face you want to transform and enter the prompt so the AI Tool can generate a new image with your original face.