
Illustrate a contemplative and mystical god for Saturday, embodying Saturn and the themes of time and discipline. This deity should have an aged, wise appearance with a scythe or hourglass, wearing dark, somber robes. The background can include celestial bodies and ancient ruins, emphasizing wisdom and introspection, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, best quality, Photorealistic, ultra-high resolution, photographic light, illustration by MSchiffer, fairytale, Hyper detailed, octane render, unreal engine v5

Illustrate a contemplative and mystical god for Saturday, embodying Saturn and the themes of time and discipline. This deity should have an aged, wise appearance with a scythe or hourglass, wearing dark, somber robes. The background can include celestial bodies and ancient ruins, emphasizing wisdom and introspection, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, best quality, Photorealistic, ultra-high resolution, photographic light, illustration by MSchiffer, fairytale, Hyper detailed, octane render, unreal engine v5
Create an alien representation of Facebook, with the alien having a blue color scheme and a 'thumbs up' antenna. The alien should have multiple eyes resembling notifications and a friendly smile, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Create an alien representation of Facebook, with the alien having a blue color scheme and a 'thumbs up' antenna. The alien should have multiple eyes resembling notifications and a friendly smile, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Create a biopunk depiction of the United Kingdom as an ancient, vicious lion with reinforced metal fangs and a cybernetic mane. The lion should have mechanical limbs and elements of British culture, such as a digitalized Union Jack pattern on its body, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Illustrate Japan as an ancient, vicious beast in a biopunk style, resembling a bioengineered samurai dragon with cybernetic armor and glowing eyes. The dragon should have mechanical limbs and elements of Japanese culture, such as a digitalized cherry blossom pattern on its scales, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Design ancient China as a powerful robotic dragon with biopunk enhancements and glowing eyes. The robot should have metallic scales and elements of Chinese heritage, such as the Forbidden City patterns and a cybernetic terracotta warrior, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Illustrate ancient India as a fearsome robotic elephant with biopunk enhancements and glowing eyes. The robot should incorporate elements of Indian heritage, like the Taj Mahal patterns and cybernetic versions of traditional Indian jewelry, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Design ancient India as a powerful biopunk robot, resembling a cybernetic deity with glowing circuitry and mechanical limbs. The robot should have elements inspired by Indian culture and architecture, such as the Lotus Temple integrated into its design and digitalized Sanskrit patterns, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Create a biopunk depiction of ancient Persia as a vicious robotic griffin with mechanical wings and cybernetic talons. The robot should have elements inspired by Persian mythology and heritage, like the Zoroastrian symbol and a digitalized cuneiform script, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Create a biopunk depiction of ancient Egypt as a vicious futuristic robot. Imagine a robotic pharaoh with cybernetic limbs and glowing hieroglyphics etched into its metallic body. The robot should have a mechanical headdress resembling the iconic nemes and integrated elements of Egyptian architecture, like the pyramids and sphinx, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
A new era has been born, machines control the world, and humans are mere slaves to them. They line up to enter the factories where they are exploited all day in exchange for a little food and water. Robots circulate around them to ensure they are working, while on the streets, they are followed and monitored to prevent any uprising. The main robot is guided by artificial intelligence, connecting to all the computers in the world, enabling it to control its entire army of robots. A Hasselblad camera with a 40-millimeter wide-angle lens captures the surreal landscape that unfolds.

Composition: The composition of the images should follow the rule of thirds, incorporating patterns and lines to create perspective and depth.

Colors: The color palette should consist of red, white, yellow, blue, and their gradients, to create an unsettling and profound atmosphere.,shards,digital artwork by Beksinski,Movie Poster
Create a biopunk depiction of ancient Egypt as a vicious futuristic robot. Imagine a robotic pharaoh with cybernetic limbs and glowing hieroglyphics etched into its metallic body. The robot should have a mechanical headdress resembling the iconic nemes and integrated elements of Egyptian architecture, like the pyramids and sphinx, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Illustrate ancient Rome as a vicious robotic centurion with cybernetic enhancements and a metallic body. The robot should have elements inspired by Roman engineering, such as aqueduct patterns and the Pantheon dome, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Illustrate ancient Greece as a powerful biopunk robot, resembling a cybernetic warrior with metallic armor and glowing circuitry. The robot should have elements inspired by Greek mythology, such as a robotic helmet of Athena and mechanical limbs resembling the columns of the Parthenon, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
Create a biopunk depiction of ancient Persia as a vicious robotic griffin with mechanical wings and cybernetic talons. The robot should have elements inspired by Persian mythology and heritage, like the Zoroastrian symbol and a digitalized cuneiform script, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean
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