Create a biopunk depiction of ancient Persia as a vicious robotic griffin with mechanical wings and cybernetic talons. The robot should have elements inspired by Persian mythology and heritage, like the Zoroastrian symbol and a digitalized cuneiform script, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean

Create a biopunk depiction of ancient Persia as a vicious robotic griffin with mechanical wings and cybernetic talons. The robot should have elements inspired by Persian mythology and heritage, like the Zoroastrian symbol and a digitalized cuneiform script, masterpiece by Aaron Horkey and Jeremy Mann, masterpiece, Photorealistic, illustration by MSchiffer, octane render, unreal engine v5, high resolution, wlop, Glenn Brown, Carne Griffiths, Alex Ross, artgerm and james jean

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