
sunlight filtering through a girl’s cupped hands, gentle rays illuminating her closed eyes, creating a warm and serene glow on her face, surrounded by a lush green forest teeming with life, dewdrops sparkling on leaves, soft breeze rustling the branches, a sense of peace and connection with nature, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 50mm lens, emphasizing the delicate play of light and shadow, in a style reminiscent of Impressionist paintings

sunlight filtering through a girl’s cupped hands, gentle rays illuminating her closed eyes, creating a warm and serene glow on her face, surrounded by a lush green forest teeming with life, dewdrops sparkling on leaves, soft breeze rustling the branches, a sense of peace and connection with nature, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 50mm lens, emphasizing the delicate play of light and shadow, in a style reminiscent of Impressionist paintings
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