sunlight filtering through a girl’s cupped hands, gentle rays illuminating her closed eyes, creating a warm and serene glow on her face, surrounded by a lush green forest teeming with life, dewdrops sparkling on leaves, soft breeze rustling the branches, a sense of peace and connection with nature, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 50mm lens, emphasizing the delicate play of light and shadow, in a style reminiscent of Impressionist paintings

sunlight filtering through a girl’s cupped hands, gentle rays illuminating her closed eyes, creating a warm and serene glow on her face, surrounded by a lush green forest teeming with life, dewdrops sparkling on leaves, soft breeze rustling the branches, a sense of peace and connection with nature, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 50mm lens, emphasizing the delicate play of light and shadow, in a style reminiscent of Impressionist paintings
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sunlight filtering through a girl’s cupped hands, gentle rays illuminating her closed eyes, creating a warm and serene glow on her face, surrounded by a lush green forest teeming with life, dewdrops sparkling on leaves, soft breeze rustling the branches, a sense of peace and connection with nature, captured with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera, 50mm lens, emphasizing the delicate play of light and shadow, in a style reminiscent of Impressionist paintings

Negative Prompt

(low quality:1), (worst quality:1.5), out of focus, ugly, error, jpeg artifacts, (lowers), (blurry), bokeh, bad anatomy, long neck, long body, longbody, deformed mutated disfigured, missing arms, extra arms, (mutated hands), extra legs, (bad hands), (poorly drawn hands), (malformed hands), missing limb, floating limbs, disconnected limbs, (extra fingers), (bad fingers), (liquid fingers), (poorly drawn fingers), missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, ugly face


Euler a



CFG Scale




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