





Fine Tuned on cherry picked images from PersephoneHentai and PersephoneComicArt.

I'll still be working on improving this as i go.

None of the preview images are cherry picked. Almost all are done on the same seeds.

Recommended Settings

I still suck at writing descriptions so this will just be general settings.

Use regular SDXL vae

Regular SDXL resolutions

Euler A, DPM++ 2M,

CFG 5-7

30-55 Steps

I use Adetailer for faces unless the face is close, when the face is close to the screen Adetailer is usually a quality hit.

Recommend Hires Fix for higher quality images but thats just standard now. 0.35-0.4 denoise and 10-15 steps. I use 4x_NMKD-YandereNeoXL_200k upscaler

Recommended to add Anime Style after the score prompts if you wish for a more well...anime style.

May have to write Censored in negative if you start to get censored imaged. i didnt fine tune with any censored images but it censors sometimes.

2M SDE can cause some weirdness, mainly censoring.

Since its a pony model the score prompts are pretty much required. Just prompt it like a regular pony model.


Not entirely happy with the hands. Most of the time they're good but sometimes they're a bit weird. Not consistent enough for my liking. I'll be working on improving that. In the meantime you can use negative embeddings to reduce the frequency if you wish.

Alternatively use Good Hands for Pony on about 0.7

Version Detail


Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/711420/persephonepony?modelVersionId=795713

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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