




LoRA LeThAiVN_BigCityBoiz is a captivating digital art piece featuring a man with short hair, gazing directly at the viewer. This artwork employs the "double exposure" technique to blend the man's face with a cityscape in a profile view. The background, a white sky with clouds, creates an ethereal effect. What makes this piece truly unique is the intricate architectural elements seamlessly integrated into the man's facial silhouette. His head showcases multiple detailed architectural features, blending naturally with the contours of his face, resulting in a rich and dynamic composition. The artist has chosen a color palette dominated by shades of red, adding depth and contrast against grey tones, making the artwork even more striking. Additionally, glitch effects are incorporated to give the piece a futuristic touch. These visual glitches not only add an intriguing element to the artwork but also evoke a sense of a high-tech future where humans and architecture merge in a fascinating way. In summary, LoRA LeThAiVN_BigCityBoiz is a unique digital art piece, combining high aesthetic value with profound meaning. weight: 0,8 - 1 CFG: 7 Samper: DPM++ 2M SDE karras

Version Detail

SD 1.5
LoRA LeThAiVN_BigCityBoiz is a captivating digital art piece featuring a man with short hair, gazing directly at the viewer. This artwork employs the "double exposure" technique to blend the man's face with a cityscape in a profile view. The background, a white sky with clouds, creates an ethereal effect. What makes this piece truly unique is the intricate architectural elements seamlessly integrated into the man's facial silhouette. His head showcases multiple detailed architectural features, blending naturally with the contours of his face, resulting in a rich and dynamic composition. The artist has chosen a color palette dominated by shades of red, adding depth and contrast against grey tones, making the artwork even more striking. Additionally, glitch effects are incorporated to give the piece a futuristic touch. These visual glitches not only add an intriguing element to the artwork but also evoke a sense of a high-tech future where humans and architecture merge in a fascinating way. In summary, LoRA LeThAiVN_BigCityBoiz is a unique digital art piece, combining high aesthetic value with profound meaning. weight: 0,8 - 1 CFG: 7 Samper: DPM++ 2M SDE karras

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