
Monster Hunter - Odogaron Armor (ガロン装備) ponyXL




creator: Squirtle0007

This is the Odogaron Alpha, Beta and EX Odo/deathgaron Alpha, Beta from Monster Hunter.

Good at 0.7-1 weight.

lora 1: odograon α armor

Tags (clothes): odogaron alpha armor, red mouth mask, red gauntlets, red thighboots

Tags (others): cbihi, torn clothes, weapon, sword, spear

lora 2: odograon β armor

Tags (clothes): odogaron beta armor, red mask, red gauntlets, red thighboots, black bow

Tags (others): cbihi, torn clothes, weapon, sword, spear

lora 3: Ex odo/deathgaron α/β armor,

Can Custom Color

Standard color in the data set: blue/purple/red/black/white

Tags (clothes 1, deathgraon β): ex odogaron armor, black mask, black gloves, black cape, black pants, black knee boots, black headwear, black animal ears, black crop top (option)

Tags (clothes 2, deathgraon α): ex odogaron armor, black mask, black gloves, black pants, black knee boots, black crop top, fishnets, tight cutout

Tags (clothes 3, odograon β): ex odogaron armor, red mask, red gloves, red cape, red pants, red knee boots, red headwear, red animal ears, red crop top (option)

Tags (clothes4, deathgraon α): ex odogaron armor, red mask, red gloves, red pants, red knee boots, red crop top, fishnets, tight cutout

Tags (others): 3d, game style, pvc figure, realistic, source realistic

Suggested Resources

MugenMaluMix SDXL



Version Detail


Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/523147

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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