



Read Description

Experience SDXL BETA Released!

Important: Having multiple models uploaded here on civitai has made it difficult for me to respond to each and every comment. One of the ways I plan on addressing this is via the creation of a pdf guide for each and every model (think of it as the models documentation). This will take a while though. So in the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback -

visit my thread of the Unstable Diffusion Discord

Like photorealism? Try my new fine-tune 'Lomostyle'

How about art? Try my new fine-tune 'Doomer-Boomer'

Note : Description is slightly outdated. A full rework of the description; and the addition of a PDF guide are coming soon.

Check the versions above

With the release of Experience v7.0, there is now a second version you may be interested in -Realistic Experience. Both Experience and Realistic Experience are updated at the same time.

Version Selection


  • General purpose

  • 3D render focus with photorealistic secondary.

  • Space booty

Realistic Experience

  • General purpose

  • Photorealistic focus with 3D render secondary.

  • Improved skin texture

  • Space booty

What changed in v10?

Also applies to Realistic Experience v3

  • Lowered the Noise offset value during fine-tuning, this may have a slight reduction in other-all sharpness, but fixes some of the contrast issues in v8, and reduces the chances of getting un-prompted overly dark generations.

  • Improved Prompt adherence : How well the neural network follows a user's prompt.

  • Similarly, the models now have less of a chance of generating un-prompted nsfw images and vice versa.

Note: A full prompt guide and more detailed explanation between the two models is being worked on. For now, since everyone has different tastes - it's best to look at the sample images and choose which model best suits your taste. All previous versions of the model will remain up, so if you liked a previous release it will still be available to download.

Note about Clipfix in v6.5

Merged Models

A list of merged models can be found bellow in the description of the attached model version.


  • NSFW Photography

    • SFW Photography is also possible, see "Trigger Words" bellow.

  • Photorealistic 3D renders

  • human anatomy

  • Stylized images

  • Landscapes

  • Concept Art

  • Album Art

  • ect.. This is more of a general purpose model


  • Anime, Although you can give it a try!

Anime is now possible, although this was not the focus of the model. For a focused 3d render/anime model see, Eris

Trigger Words

I'm not aware of any trigger words that have drastic influence on the generation process.

However, tags such as:

"3d render", "cartoon" | "nsfw", "sfw", "nudity", and "erotica"

tend to add push the generation (to some degree) in one direction or another. For example, putting sfw in your prompt and nsfw in your negative prompt should push the generation to produce a SFW image.


8-9-23 : Updated Experience to v10 (skipping v9). Updated Realistic Experience to v3

3-31-23 : Uploaded Experience 8, Experience 7.5, and Realistic Experience 2

4-1-23 : Added .ckpt versions of Experience 8 and Realistic Experience 2

Checkout my other models




If you made this far, Thanks!


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Version Detail

SD 1.5
<p>Pix2Pix version of v6.5</p><p><strong>How to Use</strong>:</p><p>Download the model, load the model into webui, go to the img2img tab, load your image, and you're all set!</p><p><strong>Tips</strong>:</p><p>1. If the output image <strong>isn't changing enough</strong>:</p><ul><li><p>Decrease the Image CFG weight, or</p></li><li><p>Increase the Text CFG weight</p></li></ul><p> </p><p>2. If the output image <strong>is changing too much</strong>:</p><ul><li><p>Increase the Image CFG weight, or</p></li><li><p> Decrease the Text CFG weight</p></li></ul><p> </p><p>3. Increasing the step value <em>can</em> improve results.</p><p> </p><p>4. Likewise, increasing or decreasing the Denoising strength by small increments can help dial-in the output image.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Note</strong>:</p><p>For the time being, this will be the only Pix2Pix model I upload. Having tested various custom models, I don't see a significant difference between the custom models and original Pix2Pix model. The technology does look promising though. I'm currently training a custom Pix2Pix model with a finetuned GPT-3 model.</p>

Project Permissions

    Use Permissions

  • Use in TENSOR Online

  • As a online training base model on TENSOR

  • Use without crediting me

  • Share merges of this model

  • Use different permissions on merges

    Commercial Use

  • Sell generated images

  • Use on generation services

  • Sell this model or merges


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