
Async's Negative



creator: asyncforai414

This is Negative Embedding for SD1.5, Not for SDXL. The concept was to improve quality, such as EasyNegative and veryBadImageNegative.

An12 Version has two embedding file.

  1. an12 (34.0KB)

  2. an12_light (16.0KB)

an12_light is a lightweight version of an12 with only 5 tokens. an12 is the full version.

An11 Version has two embedding file.

  1. an11 (42.9KB)

  2. an11_light (7.57KB)

an11_light is a lightweight version of an11 with only 5 tokens. an11 is the full version.

(In An7,An8,An11 this embedding was created by training at https://github.com/tekitou898009890/stable_diffusion_webui_embedding_estimate.)

(An10,An9 was retrained an8 using the kohya-ss version of textualinversion, and two patterns of TI were merged using embedding merge: one that resulted in a more easynegative result and one that was closer to the model picture.)

Please use it in the "\stable-diffusion-webui\embeddings" folder. Please use this embedding with trigger words of each version (ex.an5) in the NEGATIVE prompt form.

*It can be used with other models, but the effectiveness is not certain.

Version Detail

SD 1.5

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/58726

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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