
Xenomorph - Alien [PDXL]




'I am an Alien.'

-The Alien, from Alien (1979)

This is a lora trained on a vast 351 hand picked images from e621 of the Xenomorphs from the Alien series of movies. It was trained for 13,000 steps at 1024x1024 resolution on PonyDiffusionV6. There were so many images to sort through, that I compromised and only downloaded Xenomorph images off E621 that had a score of 80 or above (score:>80), and sorted through and removed the lower-quality images from that until I only had 351 (I started with about 950 images).
Ponydiffusion can already decently generate xenomorphs, but it often misses the more subtle details like the weird chest, their tail spikes, and their even weirder back tubes(?). It also generally helps with the head, giving more detail to the sides along with helping with head-shape consistency.
I also just wanted to say I had a lot of fun generating with this lol


  • The color of the Xenomorph can be just about any color, even unusual ones like pink (It's pretty flexible in this department)

  • I have not tested this extensively, but it shouldn't be able to do their "inner mouths", and it shouldn't be able to generate "Xenomorph Queen"

  • It slightly struggles with directly head-on shots, where the Xeno is looking directly at the viewer, although it can still do it some of the time without looking weird.

  • Considering Pony is already pretty alright at making Xenos, it might not be a bad idea to lower the strength of this lora, although I kept it at 1.0 for all my generations without problem.

  • In the dataset, I biased away from those big bimbo lips that people draw Xenomorphs with for some reason. It can still generate these fine if you prompt for them, though.

Would a Predator or a Xenomorph win in a fight?

Check out my Predator model!

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