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Version Detail

SDXL 1.0
2.0版本:hu_tao_\(genshin_impact\),brown_hair,red_eyes,hat,long_sleeves,symbol-shaped_pupils 使用4dim训练,更小的体积,仅27M 更好的泛化,精选1000张单人图训练。 触发词:hu_tao_\(genshin_impact\),brown_hair,red_eyes,hat,long_sleeves,symbol-shaped_pupils Version 2.0: Trained using 4DIM, with a smaller size of just 27MB. Improved generalization by training on a curated set of 1000 single-person images. keyword:hu_tao_\(genshin_impact\),brown_hair,red_eyes,hat,long_sleeves,symbol-shaped_pupils 1.5版本: 更小的体积,更好的画面,更自由的动作和换装 此版本克服了1.0版本的动作过拟,拥有更高的自由度,遗憾的是,眼睛的细节似乎没有学到,这将在2.0版本中得到完善。 1.5 version. The 1.5 version features a smaller size, improved visuals, and more freedom in movements and outfit changes. This version has overcome the action overfitting issue of the 1.0 version, providing greater freedom. However, it is regrettable that the details of the eyes seem to have not been learned, which will be addressed and improved in the 2.0 version. 训练模型:SDXL1.0官模 测试模型:Kohaku-XL 建议权重:0.8 or adjust them freely according to the situation. Training model: SDXL1.0 Official Model Testing model: Kohaku-XL Recommended weights: 0.8 or adjust them freely according to the situation. Hide Suggested Resources CHECKPOINT 00716.png kblueleaf's Avatar Kohaku-XL beta 1.8K 47 16K CHECKPOINT 05619-2023-09-23_9d2ff8d3fc_kohaku-nyna2-sil-xl2_3804392330_fa399230-1664x2560.png kblueleaf's Avatar Kohaku-XL alpha 1.1K 28 8.0K Discussion Chenkin's Avatar Chenkin Bronze SDXL Badge OP 4 months ago 如果您有更多的模型想法想告诉模型制作者,欢迎来QQ群914818692讨论~您的支持是我最好的鼓励,您的评分收藏下载返帖和分享是作者的有力支持

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