



If you appreciate what I’m doing feel free to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Uzia or share some of your generations! I love to see them.

(On that note though, imagery depicting sexual violence/abuse will be reported immediately.)

The third of the trinity; Opiate, brings "photorealism" to the table. Again focused on the beautiful and the horrific, but due to its realism the more gruesome aspects can really punch you in the face.

Bonus Gallery:

There is a preview image gallery on this page with no prompts or generation details. That is because the images were made in Fooocus which doesn't save the meta data. But, the point is they are examples of using Opiate.v.4 as a refiner for TFV.SDXL.V2:


Values that work seem to range from 0.4 to 0.8.

Usage Tips:


  • DPM++ 3M SDE Karras and DPM++ 2M Karras: General purpose workhorseseses, I like to use it for pretty much everything.


  • 4: Great for pretty much everything but especially photographic styles. (My favorite)

  • 5 -> 7: Great for pretty much everything, as it goes higher it's use for photography diminishes but is as, if not more, useful for artistic styles.

  • 8: Great for some art styles but will burn photographic generations to a cinder.

  • 9 and above: Yo crazy.

Steps: 30 to the limits of your patients. I never really use more than 50 and find that above that it's a case of diminishing returns.


(I consider HiResFix a must for all of my SD 1.5 models. They are not intended to be used without it).

  • 4xUltraSharp

  • Denoising Strength: 3 to 5

  • Steps: I tend to use around 50% of original step count.

  • Upscale: 2

Clipskip 1 until 4 give interesting results; for characters it becomes more unstable the higher you go, for monsters it seems to get better. After 5 things get shaky but when it hits it does so in a more artistic manner.

(A quick word on negative prompts: if you are aiming at horror many of the things you would normally prompt against are the very things you want to have eg: deformed, mutated, ugly etc. Just be aware if you're making your own beasties maybe just start with quality related negatives, and build it up from there. Also one thing I noticed when making the demon chick is if you prompt against :- male, man, masculine - too harshly it drastically effects the output in a negative way. I'd guess there are many more images out there of male demons, but as you watch it generate the body type will change to the feminine. So... with horror stuff, be cautious with the negatives.)

Anyway I really hope you enjoy exploring Opiate's murky depths.

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Version Detail

SD 1.5
<p>Opiate v3 is a reshuffle of previously used resources with the very welcome addition of Juggernaut v2.2</p><p><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://civitai.com/models/46422?modelVersionId=106157">https://civitai.com/models/46422?modelVersionId=106157</a></p><p>This one is an all round step up in my opinion. A better level of details, improved composition and has been really fun to use. I may have got carried away making the preview images. All of which are as usual cherry picked from batches of three... except for some of the character images where I waited, mostly to get outfit colors where I wanted them.</p><p>The cfg sweet spot is between 4 and 7 for me but of course experimentation is the way.</p><p>Also worth noting is that euler a works really well too, and often softens skin textures.</p><p>All with Hires. fix: upscale 2.  Steps 20. Denoising 0.5.</p><p>Except this time most are done with 4x Ultra Sharp upscaler. Tutorial here:</p><p><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6dQPMy_tHY">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6dQPMy_tHY</a></p><p>Hope you guys enjoy it and get as much fun out of it as I have.</p><p>Note: Just to be clear this model isn’t aimed at specific characters, it’s more general purpose, I’ve just been having lots of fun making them. You won’t be getting consistent outfits, but that… ahem …isn’t such a bad thing.</p>

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