
杏核眼/Apricot eyes







顾名思义,这个模型的特点就是眼睛会像杏核一样,眼头和眼尾都比较尖,眼睛呈杏核状,尾部上翘。这种眼睛的风格曾经风靡一时,而现在也依然在业界占据着一席之地,常见于诸如雌小鬼,小魅魔一类的年龄偏幼的傲娇类角色中。比较有代表性的画师诸如桃子 rurudo



关于出图参数,我一般是32步 cfg 7 clip2,然后采样方式使用DPM++ 2MKarras/DPM++SDEKarras高分重绘Latent (nearest) 0.6/Latent0.5/ESRGAN4x+Anime6B这样子。



The following content is from Google Translate

Hello everyone,Iamchosen鲷. This time, I bring you a large model called "Apricot Eyes".

As the name suggests, the distinctive feature of this model is that the eyes resemble apricot seeds, with pointed ends at both the inner and outer corners, resembling the shape of an apricot seed with an upturned tail. This style of eyes was once very popular and continues to have a place in the industry, often seen in characters with a younger age and tsundere-like personalities, such as female demons or little devils. Representative artists like
ももこ, rurudo, リン☆ユウ, etc., have contributed illustrations to this training set. The base membrane used for training is cetus' whalefall2.

To make it easier to generate this eye style, I have set a keyword, which is "Apricot Eyes".

The model is not very stable and may have some bugs. If you like this style, you can download it and try it out, or you can blend it with other models to improve stability.

As for the rendering parameters, I usually use 32 steps, cfg 7 clip 2, and sampling method DPM++ 2M Karras/DPM++ SDE Karras high-resolution redraw Latent (nearest) 0.6/Latent 0.5/ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B.

You can refer to the tags in my sample images.

Thank you all for downloading and using it. If you like it, feel free to follow me. My bilibili and pixiv IDsarebothchosen鲷. Welcome to follow my channels: https://space.bilibili.com/3867754?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0, https://www.pixiv.net/users/40911695. Thank you.

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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  • As a online training base model on TENSOR

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