
MODILL_XL - Modern Colorful Illustration Style LoRa



blur image
a kid pirate on treasure island, buried chest full of coins, sea, detailed, sub surface scattering, particles, dust, sharp focus, glow <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:0.6>
  • a kid pirate on treasure island, buried chest full of coins, sea, detailed, sub surface scattering, particles, dust, sharp focus, glow <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:0.6>
  • a Aye-aye wearing leather jacket, Manchester in the background at First light, sharp focus, particles, detailed, sub surface scattering, (Mulberry ambient light:1.1) <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • Steampunk Airship: Brass gears, billowing steam, propellers spinning, eccentric inventors, floating over cities., sharp focus, particles, detailed, sub surface scattering, (Auburn ambient light:1.1) <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • Fairy Tale Meadow: Rolling hills, magical unicorns, fairies, rainbow bridges, enchanted flowers, gentle giants., sharp focus, particles, detailed, sub surface scattering, (Siena ambient light:1.1) <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • Garden, sharp focus, particles, detailed, sub surface scattering, (ambient light:1.1) <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • Jane Austen's Emma, Emma Woodhouse meddles in the love lives of those around her while learning about her own heart., sharp focus, particles, detailed, sub surface scattering, (ambient light:1.1) <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • best quality, masterpiece, a British man in El Dorado landscape at Late night, sharp focus, particles, detailed, sub surface scattering, (ambient light:1.1) <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • Summer: The swamp is in full swing, with buzzing insects and the occasional glimpse of lurking alligators. The water shimmers under the intense sun, and the swamp exudes a humid, primal energy. Illustrated in a sultry, humid, and exotic art style., sharp focus, particles, detailed, sub surface scattering, (ambient light:1.1) <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • Gnome Shaman, tribal, rituals, spiritual, connection, healing, wise, nature, visions, mystic, guidance., sharp focus, detailed <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>
  • "Frankenstein, science, creation, monster, tragedy, gothic, thought-provoking.", sharp focus, detailed <lora:MODILL_XL_0.27_RC:1>

MODILL_XL - Modern Colorful Illustration Style LoRa


Weights: 0.5 to 1.2 (Depending on the subject, how much you want the style to be applied and the risk of artifacts you're willingly take)

CFG Scale: from 7 to 12 (Depending on the saturation and contrast you want in your images)

if you like my LoRa just publish some image made with my models to help me gain buzz

Training LoRa necessitate a lot of coffee. If you think that what I do is useful and want to help me keep doing this you can buy me a coffe here: https://ko-fi.com/clumsy_trainer

Base ModelSDXL 1.0
  • Download the model file

  • Use without crediting

  • Share merges of this model

  • Use different permissions on merges

Commercial use: None


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