
Leonardo Ai Style XL



blur image
blur image
create art for a mug with a joker based on the film Dark Knights, with phrases,graphic design a mug, flat design,gotham street, colorful tones, highly detailed clean, vector image, professional photography, smoke explosion, simple background, flat black background , shiny vector ((black background)) color scheme: blue and black, expression: mysterious and haunting, size and shape of great sword: massive and double-edged, environment: fiery and chaotic, camera specs/model name: high-resolution DSLR, perspective: slightly low angle to emphasize the warrior's power, lighting: dramatic, with a spotlight illuminating the warrior's face and sword, depth of field: shallow, with the warrior in sharp focus and the fiery background slightly blurred, shutter speed: fast to capture the warrior's dynamic movement, photo quality: crisp and detailed, capturing the intricate details of the warrior's a

.,Leonardo style
  • create art for a mug with a joker based on the film Dark Knights, with phrases,graphic design a mug, flat design,gotham street, colorful tones, highly detailed clean, vector image, professional photography, smoke explosion, simple background, flat black background , shiny vector ((black background)) color scheme: blue and black, expression: mysterious and haunting, size and shape of great sword: massive and double-edged, environment: fiery and chaotic, camera specs/model name: high-resolution DSLR, perspective: slightly low angle to emphasize the warrior's power, lighting: dramatic, with a spotlight illuminating the warrior's face and sword, depth of field: shallow, with the warrior in sharp focus and the fiery background slightly blurred, shutter speed: fast to capture the warrior's dynamic movement, photo quality: crisp and detailed, capturing the intricate details of the warrior's a

.,Leonardo style
  • a delicious triple meat burger with bacon and yellow cheese, accompanied with a glass of whiskey on the rocks

.,Leonardo style
  • (Anime-style:1.3), (Dark and intense:1.2), A striking anime character, shrouded in shadows and poised for battle, stands against a deep crimson background adorned with menacing chains. Glowing red hollow fire particles dance around the scene, creating an otherworldly ambiance. The unique pastel look adds an ethereal touch to this dramatic and visually intense composition.,Leonardo style
  • 653841370173323218
  • lovely double exposure image by blending together a stormy sea and a glass apple. The sea should serve as the underlying backdrop, with its details subtly incorporated into the glossy glass apple, sharp focus, double exposure, glossy glass apple, (translucent glass figure of an apple) (sea inside) lifeless, dead, glass apple, earthy colors, decadence, intricate design, hyper realistic, high definition, extremely detailed, dark softbox image, raytracing, cinematic, HDR, photorealistic (double exposure:1.1)

.,Leonardo style
  • midshot, (cel-shading style:1.3), centered image, ultra detailed illustration of Poison Eve posing, redhead, (tetradic colors), inkpunk, (ink lines:1.1), strong outlines, art by MSchiffer, bold traces, unframed, high contrast, (cel-shaded:1.1), vector, 32k resolution, best quality, flat colors, flat lights

.,Leonardo style
  • mythical animal half bull half bee, kind-hearted with a penetrating gaze, golden glow, extremely detailed and beautiful face, gorgeous body, soft copper-colored hair, she wears druid armor, ethereal, magical glow, fantasy art by Mschiffer, ultra sharp focus, ethereal glowy smoke, light particles, roses and vines, brambles

.,Leonardo style

✅ Recommend Configuration ✅

Whether or not you opt for VAE in this model is up to you, but it might enhance the results—worth giving it a shot.

  • VAE: None🔶 vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt 🔶 ClearVAE.safetensor 🔶  Automatic.

  • Sampling Method: DPM++ 2M Karras 🔶DPM++ 2M SDE Heun Karras

  • Sampling Steps: 20 🔶  30 🔶 40.

  • CFG Scale: 5 🔶 10.

  • Clip Skip: 1.

  • Upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp 🔶 8x_NMKD-Superscale_150000_G.

  • Hires Steps: 10 🔶  20🔶  30.

  • Denoising Strength: 0.3 🔶 0.5

Feel free to adapt these settings to your liking.🔧 

Those are the settings I recommend for optimal results🔥, though feel free to experiment with your own configurations. While I can't guarantee the same level of success, it's always worth exploring 🫣

Your feedback means the world to me🤞. Take a moment to share your thoughts—it's a valuable contribution that helps shape the future of my projects.👍

👀Here is my other models you can try 😁

  • Add More Detail XL:

  • Detail Tweaker:

  • Detail Manager:

  • HyperRealismEngine:

  • Real Dream:

  • CrystalClear VisionAI:

  • 3D Cartoon:

  • Leonardo Style:

  • Perfect Fingers:

  • Enhance Pro:

  • Brightness Controller:

🌐 Any inquiries about my model are more than welcome. Reach out on Discord ➡️ shopon_skp. Let's keep the conversation going.

Base ModelSDXL 1.0
Trigger Words
  • Reprinting is strictly prohibited

  • Download the model file

  • Use without crediting

  • Share merges of this model

  • Use different permissions on merges

Commercial use: Sell generated images


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