
SpiritMix - Rival (2D Anime)



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The world of SpiritMix has opened once again! For this entry we have a bit of a weird one, SpiritMix - Rival! Rival is a spin-off of SpiritMix - Deep Line which starts with the same base but alters the weights and adds some along the way to create a checkpoint with similar concepts but has the opposite goals and visual style. Unlike Deep Line, this merge focuses on supporting complex prompts, complex upscaling, and giving a more 'general' detailed anime vibe the AI generation scene has grown use to. Rival unfortunately suffers from some common issues I'm not a fan of so I do plan to revisit this style of Checkpoint in the future (most likely updating this one), but even still, this checkpoint offers some uniqueness into my currently released Mix list. Make sure to share your results!

Updated Note 1 : Initially I wasn't really happy with the results from Rival, but after using it quite extensively I've started to notice some unique traits that do separate it from other anime mixes and quite like it for what it is. That doesn't mean it's quite where I 'wanted' it to be, but it's certainly got more sting than I originally thought.

Note 2 : Since this model relies heavily on upscaling to produce good results it may be more difficult to use than other checkpoints.

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Model Name :

SpiritMix - Rival (2D Anime) [hash:b77916be18]

Experimental Name :

SpiritMerge40_5_0_4_0_3.safetensors [hash:c0a58902f3]

(Some of my gens may have the experimental name/hash in the data, however it's the same model just without the baked VAE)

Base Model :

SD1.5 (Compatible with SD1.5 models and tools, may work with some SD2.x models)

Focus :

Create an opposite to SpiritMix - Deep Line focused on complex upscaling potential and lots of macro detail.


This model does well with SFW content but can lean lewd within certain prompts and contexts, does nudity well and NSFW works with the right prompts but may be inconsistent. Not considered safe to use in public!

Bias :

Tends to make characters a bit tall, often favors larger body sizes

NSFW tends to overexaggerate quite a bit

Many other 'typical anime' bias in terms of styling and body form/proportions/anatomy

Defaults to lighter skin tones, doesn't always obey skin color related prompts

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Quick NSFW Warning :

This model will often slide into more lewd territory with certain keywords. Ensure you're careful when designing your prompts, include nudity and nsfw in the negatives if you're strictly looking for sfw content and include the appropriate body prompts when making nsfw content.

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So what is SpiritMix - Rival (2D Anime)?

Unlike my other mixes which start with a concept and have their own unique recipe, the current release of Rival is an abandoned branch of SpiritMix - Deep Line. The idea was to take the same recipe, modify the weights, and change a few checkpoints in the mix to create the 'opposite' model. While mixing I decided to try and make the model designed to be used with complex upscaling technics with a lot of potential for macro detail. This was accomplished by adding painterly and detailed models while removing and lowering the weight on more stylized checkpoints. It's not 'quite' where I'd like it to be, but provides a few good unique traits when compared to other anime mixes. I will most likely attempt another anime mix like this in the future but using a completely unique recipe.

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Prompting Assistance and Usage Information :

Recommended Settings :

Sampler : DPM++ 2M SDE Exponential or DPM++ 2M SDE Karras recommended

Size : 512x512, 512x768, 768x512, 768x768 (additional upscale strongly recommended)

Steps : Fairly high, 40+40 for basic gens, 50+50 for complex upscaling at least

Hires fix / Latent upscale : (Safe) R-ESRGAN 4x+ with 0.34-0.36 Denoise (For complex upscales read upscaling section)

CFG Scale : 7-12, typically stay around 8.5-9 for most gens

Clip-Skip : 2 recommended but not required

Prompts :

You can use this model however you choose, however I specifically tried to mix with latent upscaling in mind. This does mean the results are somewhat inconsistent, but with the right prompt and some good post work the results can be quite pleasing.

Prompting should include quality tags, the set I used was "masterpiece, high quality, highly detailed, detailed background" though you can remove masterpiece to reduce the painterly look of the model. high quality and best quality tended to have the same effect, but I didn't test it enough to see if Best Quality is actually better or not.

When prompting body sizes you may need to emphasize certain keywords to have the intended effect, especially if you're targeting smaller characters (the model prefers tall, thick woman in most cases)

When creating smaller characters emphasize "girl" and don't include "female" as female weights a larger size.

Upscaling :

This is where things get tricky and require some fiddling, but I'll try and set some guidelines.

For "safe" upscaling to reproduce the simpler style of the base model, use R-ESRGAN 4x+ with 0.34-0.36 denoise. This will keep your gen looking very similar to the original while cleaning up artifacts and adding details to unresolved areas.

However, if you want a complex and detailed image you'll want to play with either Latent upscalers or other complex custom upscaler models. In Automatic1111 I used hires fix with the latent at 0.55-0.62 denoise or latent (nearest) at 0.62 denoise for the best results. This upscale is very heavy on RNG, especially for hands, and you may need to switch between them and alter your denoise and adding/removing a single step from the upscale to try and improve the upscale. Trial and error is the name of the game here but you can also employ post processing methods like inpainting. (ControlNet helps to a certain degree, you can make the base gen then use that gen into controlNet to then run the gen again to improve your results, however depending on the artifacts this may not always help)

Colors / VAE :

When using certain style tags the baked in vae may oversaturate or overexpose the image, to fix this you can force another VAE with softer colors or use a lora to reduce brightness of the gen itself.

What this mix does well :

Creates a lot of detail and allows latent upscalers to run rampent with details

Maintains an anime aesthetic through any concept thrown at it

Allows a wide range of 'moods' and 'tones' through color grading and variance

Supports stylized keywords like "retro" for retro anime styles and coloring

Most common loras work really well

Responds really well to control-style tools like ControlNet or ADetailer

What this mix struggles with (aside from typical AI issues) :

Default gens without latent upscale may look a bit melty or unrefined at times

Tends to generate tall and large female characters, in some cases proportions will disconnect from the surrounding environment

Struggles with distant faces, use tools or latent upscaling to help

Hands, they're normally an issue but given the focus on upscaling hands struggle an extra deal as latent upscaling adds more chances for the hands to get screwed up (May require post-gen work like in-painting)

Requires additional prompting in some cases to get specific looks, use negatives to help guide clothing/environments/concepts

Other quirks or issues :

Doesn't like limited color pallets, will try and inject color whenever possible

NSFW prompts may be difficult to get right and require experimentation with different keywords+weights

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Hey there, so like, this stuff takes a lot of work and I have many other projects, if you'd like to support my work then why not consider a donation? You can send me donations either on SubscribeStar or Ko-Fi! More donations means I can do more models and update existing ones! (You can also follow for my various other projects if you’d like!)



If you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas you want to throw my way, head over to our community Discord, The Broken Chatbox! We also have a channel to share your generations!


Version Detail

SD 1.5
::: DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, DOWNLOAD A REPRINT MODEL!!! ::: Many individuals are uploading malicious versions of other people's content. If you see any of my work that isn't under my name, please contact me immediately so we can take appropriate action and keep everyone safe! I provide all my AI model freely available with no malware or trackers! If you want a safe place to download and use my models, either check out our Discord or head over to my CivitAI profile - https://civitai.com/user/michaelpstanich Welcome to the world of SpiritMix! This time around we have a 2D anime mix which attempts to create a diverse model with dark, sketch-like outlines (preserving that 'drawn' look) while retaining the diversity and detail of the more complex anime models. The difficult part here was preventing the model from leaning too far in either direction, either eliminating the lines, becoming too detailed, or leaning too heavily into the lines and creating a flat image. Overall it works quite well, though the style may shift around depending on the setting and seed. Also, unlike my previous models this one DOES include NSFW data, so it does phalic objects! (Though NSFW will still be inconsistent X.x) Make sure to share your results! Note : Please read the "Prompting Help" listed under suggested settings, this can help you get the results you want! < ----- ----- ----- > Discord - The Broken Chatbox - https://discord.gg/h3vB7S4FEw Donations! =^-^= - https://ko-fi.com/michaelpstanich < ----- ----- ----- > Model Name : SpiritMix - Deep Line (2D Anime) [hash:0366ebd716] Experimental Name : _SpiritMerge3_1_2_4_6_0_1_2.safetensors [hash:3280d64c9a] (Some of my gens may have the experimental name/hash in the data, however it's the same model just without the baked VAE) Base Model : SD1.5 (Compatible with SD1.5 models and tools, may work with some SD2.x models) Focus : Create a 2D anime style with dark deep lines, high contrast character detail, and a sketchy overall look as if it was drawn by hand. SFW / NSFW : The model excels in SFW content, however NSFW content is viable as the mix includes NSFW data. Not considered safe to use in public! Bias : Leans toward simpler backgrounds (makes sense given the art style) Creates 'thick' detail lines, such as a bias toward a thickly drawn eyelash style, has very thick/heavily inked eyes and other details NSFW 'anus' tends to lean more 'gaping' style Many other 'typical anime' bias in terms of styling and body form/proportions/anatomy Tends to favor lighter skin colors, even when prompted for other colors (anime >.>) < ----- ----- ----- > Quick NSFW Warning : This model ended up being very diverse, however this also means the NSFW capabilities ALSO become diverse. As such, be VERY careful with NSFW prompts (as is true with most anime models) to prevent creating subject matter you don't wish to see, and always include body types in your prompts such as (my personal favorate) 'female, woman, large breasts'. The model defaults to SFW output so you shouldn't stumble into danger, but it's worth keeping in mind. < ----- ----- ----- > So what is SpiritMix - Deep Line (2D Anime)? This SD1.5 based checkpoint merge uses various anime style models to try and create a sketch-light style with deep and dark outlines and high contrast character detail. The focus was getting this sketch style without sacrificing the detail found in a lot of more complex anime models and overall it works quite well. To achieve this mix I used a mix of both private and public models, starting with some more detailed models then stacking on-top various models with stylistic traits I wanted to see in the final output, rotating between detailed and sketchy as neccesary to keep detail consistency and prevent the heavy "simplified" bias sketch styles tend to have. One interesting note for those other checkpoint mergers out there, one of the key aspects to getting this style was mixing in corrupted checkpoints that were considered failures and artifact! These artifacting models were mixed in through out with low weights to give the outlines their sketchy appearance (most likely from the artifacts). While this wasn't neccesary for this specific look, it helped retain a lot of detail and add a unique look to a lot of gens! < ----- ----- ----- > Prompting Assistance and Usage Information : Of course you can use this model however you want, but it was mixed specifically for that dark-lined anime style, here's some tips based on my tests! For complex scenes and detailed output you can use prompts like "best quality" or "high quality" with "highly detailed, detailed background" to avoid simplified output If you're trying for simple output then avoid prompts like "detailed, masterpiece, complex" and use simplified prompts like "vector, simple, sketch" You can also try mixing around these 2 configs in the positives and negatives to make the art style somewhat more consistent If you see artifacts in the image like moire patterns you can try adding "hatching, cross-hatching, strippling, canvas" to the negatives, though this may simplify the image. For characters I mostly just tested female subjects (sorry male lovers >.<) though this mix can do males. For female bodies, if you want more ***** woman I suggest "woman" in the tags, female alone will often vary the body based on other body prompts such as "large breasts", for younger looking characters use "girl" however avoid NSFW prompts when including this term. For body sizing, obvious breast and chest tags apply, however so does "thick thighs, short height, tall height, chubby, skinny, ect." I recommend always trying to include the body tags you're looking for to avoid body variety getting too out of hand. I assume most of the same rules apply for male characters but with male style tags instead. To force limited color palettes place "Monochrome" (and optionally "black and white") at the beginning of the prompt, then add color signifiers for different tokens like "green eyes, blue hair, orange jacket, yellow shirt", regional prompter can help with color bleed. Suggested Settings : Add "best quality" or "high quality" to positive prompt, adding various other tokens such as "highly detailed, detailed background" can help make the scene and character more detailed. "vector" and "simple" can help have the opposite effect, as well as style prompts like "sketch". Avoid ancestral samplers like Eular a, the random noise can cause artifacts to appear more often on the edges of characters, some other samplers may show these artifacts more often as well but I didn't test every sampler. High-ish step count for a clean resolve (I used 40 with DPM++ 2M SDE Exponential, though you could probably get away with much less like 30~) Image sizes of 768x768, 512x512, 512x768, 768x512 seem to work well (512x is more consistent but may have more errors around areas like hands) Hires Fix works well with lower denoising, latent and similar upscalers may add more detail than desired or artifact so I recommend a soft upscaler Clip-Skip 2, tends to produce more creative results but it isn't required VAE with saturated colors, anime style VAEs tend to work well but be careful with VAEs that oversaturate the image What this mix does well : Replicates drawn anime really well with lots of high contrast detail Great with bright colors and colorful scenes, but also competent with dark scenes and moody atmosphere Responds to color palettes well, such as monochrome or black and white Has a large body and face variety (Though prompting may be required for some body types to show up) Does contrast really well What this mix struggles with (aside from typical AI issues) : Without specifying body types in the prompt, the body may vary wildly Occationally mixes up body proportions, creating things like tiny/shortened legs on sitting characters or weird head sizes NSFW content occasionally tries to add manga-style artifacts (like hearts, smears, spiked lines, ect) Struggles a lot with certain poses when purely prompted, ControlNet helps a lot with this though some NSFW/Nudity may not always resolve well Backgrounds are often fairly simple, forcing complex backgrounds tends to reduce the artstyle / line weight Struggles with darker skin colors, has a heavy bias toward lighter skin tones Other quirks or issues : The art style may vary from seed to seed and scene to scene, don't expect 100% consistent results Because of the art style and unique mix, may not always respond well to Loras When using limited color palettes through prompt it may simplify backgrounds more than expected < ----- ----- ----- > Hey there, so like, this stuff takes a lot of work and I have many other projects, if you'd like to support my work then why not consider a donation? You can send me donations over on Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/michaelpstanich If you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas you want to throw my way, head over to our community Discord, The Broken Chatbox! https://discord.gg/h3vB7S4FEw

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