
Pastel Colors 冰淇淋调色




简介 Introduction


This model enhances soft and bright pastel blue tones, bringing a vivid ice cream-like color palette to character hair, clothing, and backgrounds. It can also be used for i2i colorization!

使用指引 Guidelines

  1. 可以配合你喜欢的任意2D模型使用,一般推荐anythingV5,如果你发现了特别适配的其他模型,欢迎留下你的评论。

    It can be used with any 2D model of your choice, with anythingV5 being the recommended option. If you discover other models that are particularly compatible, feel free to leave your comments.

  2. 一般推荐模型权重在0.6到0.7之间,当然,更高的权重可以加深粉蓝色系的影响,带来更具风格化的效果,你可以根据你的个人喜好以及与其他lora的适配程度自由调整。

    Generally, model weights between 0.6 and 0.7 are recommended. However, higher weights can deepen the influence of the pastel blue tones, resulting in a more stylized effect. You can freely adjust the weights based on your personal preferences and compatibility with other LORA models.

  3. 记得加上触发词pastel colors!

    Remember to include the trigger phrase "pastel colors"!

  4. 如果你喜欢我的模型,欢迎在评论区留下你生成的图片并为我点赞。欢迎通过微信(Anson_NgAu)来与我一起讨论跑图和炼丹!

    If you enjoy using my model, please leave your generated images and give me a thumbs up in the comments. Feel free to discuss with me on WeChat (Anson_NgAu).

这个模型是我的另一个作品的孪生姐妹,欢迎来参观我的另一个相关的模型 This model is the twin sister of my other lora. Feel free to visit my other related model:

Holographic Colouring 全息色泽

Version Detail

SD 1.5

Project Permissions

    Use Permissions

  • Use without crediting me

  • Share merges of this model

  • Use different permissions on merges

    Commercial Use

  • Sell generated images

  • Use on generation services

  • Sell this model or merges


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