
Virgin Killer Sweater



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✨Virgin Killer Sweater✨ LoRA#11

Trained at 512*768 on 23 ultra-high quality images.

Testing, I find it works well with both Realistic & Anime base models such as:

Campursari_Gen1 ~ BreakDomainAnime ~【Checkpoint】YesMix ~ EnvyVibranceXL

LoRA strength: <0.4>

Steps: 30

CFG: 8

Sampler: DPM++2M Karras

Clip: 2

The more skilled prompters should be able to get the hair colour to change easier, as I still have a bit to learn and may not have trained it quite right, but it's still a great little LoRA in my eyes, I hope you like it too💋

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Version Detail

SD 1.5

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