
绿野仙踪 | 炎帝神农氏Shennongshi




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SD 1.5
<p>Shennongshi_v1.0</p><p>Yandi: the son of Shaodian Tribe, his mother is the daughter of the Jiao clan named An (female) Deng, Yandi was born in Jiangshui (legend has it that it is the descendant of the dragon, because the dragon head looks like a goat's head), so the ginger as a family name, the name of the stone year, the first country Yi Yi following the country of the Elderly, combined and called so it is also known as: the Elderly. Ancient primitive society, there are very few people and many beasts, so all eat beast meat, to the Yan Di Lie Shan Shi Jiang Shi year when the people are many and the beasts have been insufficient, wild vegetarian food can be eaten, but still can not solve the problem of people's hunger, so the Yan Di Lie Shan Shi Jiang Shi year according to the time of the day and the location of the production of tools for labor, teach the people to cultivate the fields and planting of crops, the complete solution to the people's hunger, the people were also able to The hunger of the people was completely solved, and the people were able to reproduce better. The people praised Yandi Lie Shan Jiang Shi Nian, saying, "God and transformed, so that the people are appropriate, called Shen Nong."</p><p>In order to continue the similar style of the previous LORA, with "Ancient Myths" a very national theme, I named it "Yan Di Shen Nong's Shennongshi"!</p><p>Some of you may wonder, isn't Shennong the Emperor of Yan? Since it has the word "Yan" in it, it should have something to do with fire.</p><p>I think so, as Yandi as the Chinese civilization as one of the beginning of the Lord, the beginning of the rule of agriculture, the right temperatures, the review of cold and warmth, taste of all kinds of grasses, make qin set five strings, all of them are closely related to nature ...... green, is the scene of nature ~ ~ ~ ~ is also in line with the theme of the main series of my refining LORA.</p><p>LORA is made up of 55 images, most of which are based on dynamic poses. The base model is majicMixsombre.</p><p>The base model is a metallicMixsombre, and is fixed in as high a resolution as possible (Hires. fix).</p><p>Lora weight 0.5-0.6 is more appropriate, if you take other Lora can be appropriately pulled down a little ......</p><p>The style of painting is eco-friendly, the main theme is a green color, and the depth of field is good.</p><p>Currently only female, I will iterate later ......</p><p>The following out of the picture effect will be more appropriate.</p><p>I'll still follow up with ...... later.</p><p>Below are some of the tips of the above example pictures, more creative ideas still need you to dig yourself:</p><p>((masterpiece)), ((best quality)), (detailed), cinematic, dynamic lighting, detailed background, professional photography, depth of field, ((absurdres, highres, ultra detailed)) absurdres, highres, ultra detailed), extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, intricate details, (best quality), (detailed), cinematic, dynamic lighting, detailed background, professional photography, depth of field, (</p><p>1girl,upper body, solo, shennongshi <lora:Yandi Shennong's Shennongshi_6432V1.0:0.6></p><p>Today just out of Dan, out of the picture is limited, I hope you can give me back some pictures to show your personal creativity of the picture, thank you ......</p><p>炎帝神农氏Shennongshi_v1.0</p><p>炎帝:少典部落之子,其母是有蟜氏之女名叫安(女)登,炎帝因生于姜水(传说是神龙的子孙,因为龙头长得像羊头),故以姜为姓,名石年,其初国伊继国耆,合而称之故又号曰:伊耆氏。古代原始社会人很少而禽兽很多,所以都吃禽兽肉,到炎帝烈山氏姜石年的时候人民很多而禽兽已经不足,野生素食能吃的也都吃了,但还是不能解决人民的饥饿,于是炎帝烈山氏姜石年根据天时、地利,制作了劳动工具,教导人民耕种田地,种植庄稼作物,彻底解决了人民的饥饿,百姓也得以更好的繁衍息。百姓赞炎帝烈山氏姜石年曰:“神而化之、使民宜之,谓之神农。”</p><p>为了延续以往风格类似,以“上古神话”极具国风主题的LORA,我给它取名叫做“炎帝神农氏Shennongshi”!</p><p>可能有大佬不禁会问,神农不是炎帝吗?既然带有“炎”字那总该与火有关。</p><p>我是这样认为的,做为炎帝做为华夏文明的始主之一,其始治农功、正气节、审寒温、尝百草、造琴定五弦,无一不于自然息息相关……绿,是大自然的景象~~~主要也是符合我炼制系列LORA的主题。</p><p>LORA由55张图练制,其中大部份素材图都是以动态姿势为主。底模为majicMixsombre,</p><p>尽量开高分辨率修复 (Hires. fix)</p><p>Lora权重0.5-0.6比较合适,如果搭其它Lora可以再适当拉低一点……</p><p>画风偏森系,主打的就是一个绿色主题,景深方面表现良好</p><p>目前只能出女性,后期我会迭代……</p><p>以下出图效果会比较合适。</p><p>后期我仍然会跟进,跌代……</p><p>以下是上面部份例图的提示词,更多创意仍需要你自己去挖掘:</p><p>((masterpiece)), ((best quality)), (detailed), cinematic, dynamic lighting, detailed background, professional photography, depth of field, (absurdres, highres, ultra detailed), extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, intricate details,</p><p>1girl,upper body, solo, shennongshi <lora:炎帝神农氏Shennongshi_6432V1.0:0.6></p><p>今天刚出炉的丹,出图有限,希望各位能给我返一些图片展现你的个人创意的图片,不胜感激……</p>

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