
Barbie in Chinese Clothes | 国风芭比



<h3 id="heading-106"><strong><span style="color:rgb(216, 68, 147)">Barbie in Chinese Clothes | 国风芭比</span></strong></h3><p><strong>使用说明:这是一个芭比风格的模型,擅长生成穿着国风服饰的芭比娃娃人偶手办。</strong></p><p>比较擅长的服饰有: 旗袍 Cheongsam,汉服 hanfu</p><p>配合其他国风服饰/角色lora模型使用,也有不错的效果,例如汉服系列lora、簪花、青花等等</p><p><strong>测试图:</strong></p><p><strong><img src="https://liblibai-online.liblibai.com/web/image/1d07bb6559553e0d0bc5261fcb115a4de2fce5b59954a5470cee5fc68e1e5f00.png?x-oss-process=image/resize,w_1290,m_lfit/format,webp" alt="web/image/1d07bb6559553e0d0bc5261fcb115a4de2fce5b59954a5470cee5fc68e1e5f00.png" />权重推荐:</strong>0.6-0.9</p><p><strong>大模型推荐:写实 </strong>Majicmix全系列,chilloutmix,AWportrait<span style="color:rgb(25, 25, 25)">XXMix,Guofeng</span></p><p><strong>触发词: barbie,  chinese clothes, cheongsam, hanfu</strong></p><p>欢迎大家返图!有需要交流的可以随时沟通,全平台同ID</p><p></p><p>English:</p><p>Instructions for use: this is a Barbie-style model that is good at generating Barbie dolls dressed in Chinese costumes. </p><p>The clothes that you are good at are: cheongsam, hanfu. </p><p>It also works well with other Chinese style clothing / character lora models, such as<a rel="ugc" href="https://civitai.com/models/15365/hanfu"> Hanfu series lora</a>,<a rel="ugc" href="https://civitai.com/models/104185/zanhua-or-chinese-style"> zanhua</a>, and so on. </p><p>Test pattern: </p><p>Weight recommendation: 0.6-0.9. </p><p>Big model recommendation: ,Majicmix series, chilloutmix, AWPortrait 1.0/1.1,XXMix,Guofeng. </p><p>Trigger words: barbie, chinese clothes, cheongsam, hanfu. </p><p>Welcome back to the picture! </p><p>Those who need to communicate can communicate at any time, and the whole platform can communicate with ID</p>

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SD 1.5

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