
明日方舟 阿米娅 触及星辰 Arknights Amiya CASC collab outfit




Arknights Amiya CASC collab outfit

Not a very good one. Usually you may need LoRA Block Weight extension to reduce overfitting or use lower weight with this lora. Personally I recommend using 0.6 to 0.7 with lora block weight preset: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1. Using larger weight may add more details from the original official art, but it also makes the image more likely to corrupt.

Apart from the misspelled "amiyaCASA" trigger word, you may need to add rabbit ears, hood up, open hoodie, white pants to your prompts to make sure it doesn't miss the key features. They are not necessary, just add whatever you need if you find something missing.

明日方舟 阿米娅 中国航天联动服装

炼模型前记错了中国航天科工的缩写,提示词里写成CASA了,也没法改了,就这吧。炼得不算很好,建议配合 lora block weight使用,插件链接和我常用的预设写在上面了。这个插件用法可以到B站搜up主 大江户战士 的视频学习。

推荐权重0.6到0.7,加权重还原的细节会更多,但是崩的概率也更高。除了触发词以外,建议配上 rabbit ears, hood up, open hoodie, white pants 这几个提示词保证特征不丢失。也不是必要的,发现出的图缺什么了就加什么。

Version Detail

SD 1.5

Project Permissions

Model reprinted from : https://civitai.com/models/118463/arknights-amiya-casc-collab-outfit

Reprinted models are for communication and learning purposes only, not for commercial use. Original authors can contact us to transfer the models through our Discord channel --- #claim-models.


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