
Haute Couture | Gowns



<p>If you'd like to support me and do more:<br /><a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://ko-fi.com/edgonkofi">https://ko-fi.com/edgonkofi</a> - commissions open!<br />If you're looking for a <a target="_blank" rel="ugc" href="https://ko-fi.com/post/LoRA-Making-Tutorial-R6R3JEC2M">&gt;&gt;LoRA Making Tutorial&lt;&lt;</a></p><h1>Haute Couture | Gowns</h1><p>It is time to return once more to the beautiful world of <strong>Haute Couture</strong>, this time in order to make beautiful gowns.</p><p>I would like you to enjoy this LoRA and make beautiful clothes with it.</p><p>Please generate great things and review this LoRA so I can see your beautiful ladies in gowns.</p><p>Yes, it is time...</p><h3>Download this LoRA and make some gowns!</h3>

Version Detail

SD 1.5

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