
Zanhua 簪花 | Chinese style



<p><strong><span style="color:#fa5252">灵感来源于【簪花仕女图】</span></strong><img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/*********/commons/thumb/0/06/Zhou_Fang._Court_Ladies_Wearing_Flowered_Headdresses._%2846x180%29_Liaoning_Provincial_Museum%2C_Shenyang..jpg/1920px-Zhou_Fang._Court_Ladies_Wearing_Flowered_Headdresses._%2846x180%29_Liaoning_Provincial_Museum%2C_Shenyang..jpg" alt="Zhou Fang. Court Ladies Wearing Flowered Headdresses. (46x180) Liaoning Provincial Museum, Shenyang..jpg" />角色身穿唐风汉服襦裙,头戴簪花,手持鲜花(一定情况下也能触发琵琶和扇子)</p><p>泛化性不错,可以适配各个主流大模型,推荐使用国风类模型,效果奇佳!</p><p></p><p><strong>推荐大模型:</strong>Guofeng3,<strong>ouka_gufeng</strong>(<span style="color:#fa5252">强烈推荐,氛围感拉满!</span>),majicMix系列,CounterfeitV30,darkSushiMix,toon you,AW系列。</p><p><strong>推荐配合使用的lora:</strong>墨心、小人书、芳菲、唐风汉服</p><p>推荐参数:0.7~0.9</p><p></p><p>欢迎大家给我返图</p><p></p><p>English:</p><p>The inspiration of 【Zanhua】 comes from the chinese acient painting "<em>ladies with head-pinned flowers</em>". The character wears a Tang-style Hanfu ruqun, with a hairpin on her head and holding a bouquet of flowers (in some situations, she may also play the pipa or hold a fan).</p><p>It has good generalization and can be adapted to various mainstream models. It is recommended to use the Chinese style model for optimal effect.</p><p>Recommended models: Guo Feng 3, <strong>ouka_gufeng</strong> (<span style="color:#fa5252">highly recommended</span>!), majicMix series, CounterfeitV30, darkSushiMix, toon you, AW series.</p><p>Recommended Lora to use with it: MoXin, Xiao Ren Shu, Fang Fei, Tang Feng Hanfu.</p><p>Recommended parameter: 0.7~0.9.</p><p>Welcome everyone to share me with feedback and images!</p><p></p>

Version Detail

SD 1.5
&lt;p&gt;1.0 version of 【Zanhua】,It has good generalization but not good at making hands&lt;/p&gt;

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