
比Realistic Vaginas - God Pussy 1




GodPussy1 v4: Trained on SD 1.5 base model, compatible with all models


For txt2img & img2img: LoRA weight between 0.2-0.6 for best results

v4 (like v1-v3) is meant to be strong, which lets you mix with other LoRAs (ex. face) much more easily

翻译:GodPussy1 v4:在 SD 1.5 基础模型上训练,兼容所有模型

使用此 LORA 进行初始 TXT2IMG Gens

对于 txt2img 和 img2img:LoRA 权重在 0.2-0.6 之间以获得最佳结果

Recommended Settings

For txt2img: v4 LoRA weight of <=0.6

You can generate the composition in txt2img, then edit further with img2img/inpainting with this LoRA or v4 Inpainting LoRA

HiRes Upscale: Denoising <=0.3 (higher than 0.3 can result in double butthole - not what you want). I usually use 0.2

Put (fingers:1.5) in negative prompt if you don't wanna deal with stupid fingers

For animated models, you may need to raise the weight even more depending on the composition (WARNING: CAREFUL NOT TO GO TOO HIGH, MAY NEGATIVELY IMPACT IMAGE QUALITY), then inpaint for a more perfect result

For img2img: v4 LoRA weight of 0.4-0.6

Inpainting: use GodPussy1 v4 Inpainting, LoRA weight of 0.5-1

Masked Content = Original

Inpaint area: Whole Picture for better integration, Only Masked for just masked area - may want to adjust prompt if using Only Masked

Padding medium size (ex. 80-100), denoising around 0.2-0.8 depending on how drastic of a change you want (0.45 is a good number)

Best models: Real Hot Mix, LazyMix+

Real Hot Mix is a mix I created to include LazyMix with some other photoreal models

LazyMix+ utilizes Subreddit v3, where you can add "A photo from the ____ subreddit, ____ quality" to the prompt (ex. pussy, GodPussy, or AsiansGoneWild) for more variation


对于 txt2img:v4 LoRA 权重 <=0.6

您可以在 txt2img 中生成合成,然后使用此 LoRA 或 v4 Inpainting LoRA 使用 img2img/inpainting 进一步编辑

HiRes Upscale:去噪 <=0.3(高于 0.3 可能会导致双屁眼 - 这不是您想要的)。我一般用0.2

如果你不想处理愚蠢的手指,请将 (fingers:1.5) 置于否定提示中


对于img2img:v4 LoRA权重为0.4-0.6

Inpainting:使用GodPussy1 v4 Inpainting,LoRA权重0.5-1

屏蔽内容 = 原始内容

修复区域:整个图片以获得更好的集成,仅遮罩仅遮罩区域 - 如果使用仅遮罩,可能需要调整提示

填充中等大小(例如 80-100),降噪大约 0.2-0.8,具体取决于您想要的变化程度(0.45 是一个不错的数字)

最佳模型:Real Hot Mix、LazyMix+

Real Hot Mix 是我创建的一个混合,其中包含 LazyMix 和其他一些真实照片模型

LazyMix+ 利用 Subreddit v3,您可以在提示中添加“来自 ____ subreddit 的照片,____ 质量”(例如 pussy、GodPussy 或 AsiansGoneWild)以获得更多变化


Tips on getting extremely high-quality results:

Generate large batch in txt2img, set v4 LoRA weight lower for full body pics (somewhere between 0.2-0.6). I use Real Hot Mix for all txt2img gens

HIGHLY recommend using ControlNet, I mostly use softedge & openpose for composition, recently started using t2ia color grid as well

Select best pics, crop/edit outside of SD, inpaint as needed (ex. v4 Inpainting LoRA)

Insert edited pic into img2img with same/mostly same prompt, LoRA weight around 0.4-0.6

Denoising between 0.2-0.5, generate

Select best pics, crop/edit outside of SD, inpaint as needed (ex. v4 Inpainting LoRA)

Repeat steps 3-5 as many times as needed

Insert edited pic into img2img with same/mostly same prompt

Denoising between 0.1-0.3, upscale: (1.25x-2x), generate

Don't forget to go outside and touch grass



在 txt2img 中生成大批量,将全身图片的 v4 LoRA 权重设置得较低(0.2-0.6 之间)。我对所有 txt2img 族使用Real Hot Mix

强烈推荐使用 ControlNet,我主要使用 softedge 和 openpose 进行合成,最近也开始使用 t2ia 颜色网格

选择最佳图片,在 SD 之外进行裁剪/编辑,根据需要进行修复(例如 v4 Inpainting LoRA)



选择最佳图片,在 SD 之外进行裁剪/编辑,根据需要进行修复(例如 v4 Inpainting LoRA)

根据需要重复步骤 3-5 多次

使用相同/大部分相同的提示将编辑后的图片插入 img2img



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Version Detail

SD 1.5
GodPussy1 v4: Trained on SD 1.5 base model, compatible with all models USE THIS LORA FOR INITIAL TXT2IMG GENS For txt2img & img2img: LoRA weight between 0.2-0.6 for best results v4 (like v1-v3) is meant to be strong, which lets you mix with other LoRAs (ex. face) much moreeasily 翻译:GodPussy1v4:在 SD 1.5基础模型上训练,兼容所有模型 使用此 LORA进行初始 TXT2IMGGens 对于 txt2img和 img2img:LoRA权重在 0.2-0.6之间以获得最佳结果 Recommended Settings For txt2img: v4 LoRA weight of <=0.6 You can generate the composition in txt2img, then edit further with img2img/inpainting with this LoRA or v4 Inpainting LoRA HiRes Upscale: Denoising <=0.3 (higher than 0.3 can result in double butthole - not what you want). I usually use 0.2 Put (fingers:1.5) in negative prompt if you don't wanna deal with stupid fingers For animated models, you may need to raise the weight even more depending on the composition (WARNING: CAREFUL NOT TO GO TOO HIGH, MAY NEGATIVELY IMPACT IMAGE QUALITY), then inpaint for a more perfect result For img2img: v4 LoRA weight of 0.4-0.6 Inpainting: use GodPussy1 v4 Inpainting, LoRA weight of 0.5-1 Masked Content = Original Inpaint area: Whole Picture for better integration, Only Masked for just masked area - may want to adjust prompt if using Only Masked Padding medium size (ex. 80-100), denoising around 0.2-0.8 depending on how drastic of a change you want (0.45 is a good number) Best models: Real Hot Mix, LazyMix+ Real Hot Mix is a mix I created to include LazyMix with some other photoreal models LazyMix+ utilizes Subreddit v3, where you can add "A photo from the ____ subreddit, ____ quality" to the prompt (ex. pussy, GodPussy, or AsiansGoneWild) for morevariation 翻译:推荐设置 对于 txt2img:v4 LoRA权重<=0.6 您可以在 txt2img中生成合成,然后使用此 LoRA或 v4 Inpainting LoRA使用 img2img/inpainting进一步编辑 HiResUpscale:去噪<=0.3(高于 0.3可能会导致双** -这不是您想要的)。我一般用0.2 如果你不想处理愚蠢的手指,请将 (fingers:1.5)置于否定提示中 对于动画模型,您可能需要根据构图进一步提高重量(警告:小心不要太高,可能会对图像质量产生负面影响),然后进行修复以获得更完美的结果 对于img2img:v4LoRA权重为0.4-0.6 Inpainting:使用GodPussy1 v4Inpainting,LoRA权重0.5-1 屏蔽内容 =原始内容 修复区域:整个图片以获得更好的集成,仅遮罩仅遮罩区域 -如果使用仅遮罩,可能需要调整提示 填充中等大小(例如80-100),降噪大约0.2-0.8,具体取决于您想要的变化程度(0.45是一个不错的数字) 最佳模型:Real Hot Mix、LazyMix+ Real Hot Mix是我创建的一个混合,其中包含 LazyMix和其他一些真实照片模型 LazyMix+利用 Subredditv3,您可以在提示中添加“来自 ____ subreddit的照片,____质量”(例如 pussy、GodPussy或AsiansGoneWild)以获得更多变化 Notes Tips on getting extremely high-quality results: Generate large batch in txt2img, set v4 LoRA weight lower for full body pics (somewhere between 0.2-0.6). I use Real Hot Mix for all txt2img gens HIGHLY recommend using ControlNet, I mostly use softedge & openpose for composition, recently started using t2ia color grid as well Select best pics, crop/edit outside of SD, inpaint as needed (ex. v4 Inpainting LoRA) Insert edited pic into img2img with same/mostly same prompt, LoRA weight around 0.4-0.6 Denoising between 0.2-0.5, generate Select best pics, crop/edit outside of SD, inpaint as needed (ex. v4 Inpainting LoRA) Repeat steps 3-5 as many times as needed Insert edited pic into img2img with same/mostly same prompt Denoising between 0.1-0.3, upscale: (1.25x-2x), generate Don't forget to go outside and touchgrass 翻译:笔记 获得极高质量结果的提示: 在 txt2img中生成大批量,将全身图片的 v4 LoRA权重设置得较低(0.2-0.6之间)。我对所有 txt2img族使用Real HotMix 强烈推荐使用ControlNet,我主要使用 softedge和 openpose进行合成,最近也开始使用 t2ia颜色网格 选择最佳图片,在 SD之外进行裁剪/编辑,根据需要进行修复(例如 v4 InpaintingLoRA) 将编辑后的图片******到img2img中,提示相同/基本相同,LoRA权重约为0.4-0.6 0.2-0.5之间去噪,生成 选择最佳图片,在 SD之外进行裁剪/编辑,根据需要进行修复(例如 v4 InpaintingLoRA) 根据需要重复步骤 3-5多次 使用相同/大部分相同的提示将编辑后的图片******img2img 0.1-0.3之间的去噪,高档:(1.25x-2x),生成 别忘了出去摸摸草地

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