



blur image
(RAW photo, best quality), high detailed skin, outdoor, Standing in the middle of the water, reflection, backlighting,dark forest, butterfly around,turn around, ankles submerged in water, solo, small breasts, bare legs, adorable girl, twintails, long_hair, red eyes, hairband,fantasy, high contrast, ink strokes, explosions, over exposure, purple and red tone impression , abstract, ((watercolor painting by John Berkey and Jeremy Mann )) brush strokes, negative space,
  • (RAW photo, best quality), high detailed skin, outdoor, Standing in the middle of the water, reflection, backlighting,dark forest, butterfly around,turn around, ankles submerged in water, solo, small breasts, bare legs, adorable girl, twintails, long_hair, red eyes, hairband,fantasy, high contrast, ink strokes, explosions, over exposure, purple and red tone impression , abstract, ((watercolor painting by John Berkey and Jeremy Mann )) brush strokes, negative space,
  • masterpiece, best quality, 1girl, (colorful),(finely detailed beautiful eyes and detailed face),cinematic lighting,bust shot,extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper,white hair,solo,smile,intricate skirt,((flying petal)),(Flowery meadow) sky, cloudy_sky, building, moonlight, moon, night, (dark theme:1.3), light, fantasy,,fantasy, high contrast, ink strokes, explosions, over exposure, purple and red tone impression , abstract, ((watercolor painting by John Berkey and Jeremy Mann )) brush strokes, negative space,
  • 1girl,solo,light_blue_hair,liquid hair, long hair,floating hair, full body, standing,sundress, liquid clothes, water,waves, tsunami,tide,sea,water dress,fantasy, high contrast, ink strokes, explosions, over exposure, purple and red tone impression , abstract, ((watercolor painting by John Berkey and Jeremy Mann )) brush strokes, negative space, <lora:LiquidClothesV1:1>
  • 1girl,flower, Lisianthus ,in the style of light pink and light azure, dreamy and romantic compositions, pale pink, ethereal foliage, playful arrangements,fantasy, high contrast, ink strokes, explosions, over exposure, purple and red tone impression , abstract, ((watercolor painting by John Berkey and Jeremy Mann )) brush strokes, negative space,
  • a lovely painting of a girl in the forest with light snow falling, <lora:add_detail:1>

Please enable the Hires upscaler and use Afterdetail to redraw the face

Base ModelSD 1.5
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