Movie poster for Atlantide: The Lost Empire, a dramatic fantasy-themed animated film from Walt Disney Pictures in the parody series. The top half of the poster depicts a large TA-shaped structure with a vibrant dark blue and electric blue (#1e90ff) texture reminiscent of coral and stone, against a gradient sky that changes from dark blue at the top to light blue at the bottom. The Walt Disney logo appears in white cursive font at the top center, with "Nanchatte PICTURES PRÉSÉNTE" written in small capital letters below it. The main title "LOST INTERFACE" appears prominently centered below the Disney logo in large gold serif letters with a 3D effect and black shadow. Below that, "Lost Comfort" is written in small gold serif letters. The bottom half of the poster depicts a fantastical scene with a large, illuminated pyramid-like structure in the middle of a vast ocean, surrounded by fluffy white clouds. This central island is connected to the land by a wooden pier, and a small figure can be seen near its base. In the foreground, a series of towering blue waterfalls cascading over the edge of a cloud-covered cliff into the sea create an air of mysticism. Dark silhouettes of bird- and bat-like creatures fly around the cliffs. Seven silhouetted characters stand on dark rocks in the lower left, watching the dazzling scene before them. The words "Sep. 2024" and "" appear in white serif font at the bottom center, with "Sep. 2024" slightly larger. The overall atmosphere is adventurous and mysterious, with high-contrast, colorful, and even lighting creating an ethereal, otherworldly atmosphere. The color palette includes deep blues, electric blues, gold, white, and black, enhancing the sense of depth and grandeur of this animated scene.

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