A digital image resembling a television test pattern. Commonly known as a "television test pattern" or "color bars" image. The image consists of nine vertical colored bars evenly spaced across the frame, seven vertical bars at the top and two smaller horizontal bars at the bottom. The bars are evenly lit and have no gradients or shadows, giving them a high-contrast, saturated appearance. The colors of the vertical bars, from left to right, are light gray (#d3d3d3), lime green (#c7e73a), cyan blue (#00bcd4), light green (#32cd32), magenta (#ff00ff), red (#ff0000), and blue (#0000ff). The colors of the smaller horizontal bars at the bottom are navy blue, black, magenta, cyan blue, black, and white. The words "Please wait forever..." are centered in the image and written in a white sans-serif font reminiscent of typography. The letters are stylized with elongated strokes typical of Gothic fonts, giving them a modern, minimalist look. The text is arranged horizontally across the center of the vertical bar, creating a sharp contrast with the vibrant colors. The overall style is minimalist and abstract, with high contrast and saturation levels typical of standard television test patterns. The image is evenly lit with no shadows or highlights, giving it a flat, two-dimensional look. The composition is symmetrical and balanced, with all elements evenly distributed across the frame. The image has no sense of depth or perspective, emphasizing its flatness and the uniformity of the pattern. This sterile, utilitarian design exudes a neutral atmosphere, focusing only on the visual elements without any identifiable objects or subjects within the frame.

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