A vivid and magical movie poster for the parody Disney animated film "Wish". The background is a deep blue midnight sky dotted with countless twinkling stars, creating a celestial atmosphere. At the top center, a larger-than-life animated character with dark hair, vibrant blue eyes, thick eyebrows, and a mustache is depicted, holding a glowing gold smiley face pendant between his hands. His hands are surrounded by vibrant neon green magical energy that resembles flames or tendrils. Glittering trails of gold particles emanate from his hands and arc around the title text. In the top left of his face, the text "BE CARFUL WHAT INTERFACE YOU WISH FOR." appears in white bold capital letters. Below that, the Disney logo is written in a blue classic script font. The title "WISH" appears prominently in large, stylized sky blue letters with a slight gradient, each letter is outlined in gold, and the "I" contains a small star at the top. A young woman with long, straight dark hair stands confidently at the bottom center wearing a flowing lavender dress with intricate red embroidery near the hem and a crimson belt tied in a bow. Her right arm is raised as if reaching for the sky, while her left arm is slightly bent at the elbow. A small, brownish-yellow, anthropomorphic goat-like creature with large, expressive eyes and drooping ears stands next to her, looking up at her. They stand on craggy rocks with intricate textures. Surrounding them are circular trails of shimmering gold particles, resembling sparkling dust or magical energy. To the left is an elaborate Gothic castle perched on the edge of a cliff overlooking a calm body of water where a small sailing ship is anchored. To the right, a unique floating island with lush vegetation and large gnarled trees complement the fantastical background. The entire composition is centered, with high contrast and vibrant colors evoking a sense of wonder and enchantment. At the bottom there is additional text in bold white capital letters stating "TA Released September Soon."

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