More practice work and something to celebrate...kind of the anniversary of Star Wars...despite the agony its been in lately...and of course a Norse lady the Frost Giantess Skadi. Just can't help it...

Darth Nox, female Grand Inquisitor and Lord of the Sith, stands majestically at the center of the frame, bathed in a warm, diffused backlight that casts a dreamy glow on her face. The dark, moody hallway's somber backdrop provides a striking contrast to her imposing figure. Her double-bladed pole saber rests horizontally across the floor, its crimson hue reflected off the smooth walls and near-floor lighting, casting an eerie ambiance. With combat meditation, she exudes confidence and power as she stands tall, her intricate armor and surroundings rendered in ultra-high definition (8K) and sharp focus, resembling a masterpiece of photorealistic art.

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