More practice work and something to celebrate...kind of the anniversary of Star Wars...despite the agony its been in lately...and of course a Norse lady the Frost Giantess Skadi. Just can't help it...

In a dimly lit, dark moody hallway within the Star Destroyer's interior, Darth Nox, female Grand Inquisitor and Lord of the Sith, stands poised at the center of the frame, bathed in a pool of diffused backlight that casts a warm, dreamy glow on her face. Her double-bladed pole light-saber is held horizontally to the floor with her left hand, its crimson hue reflecting off the smooth walls and near-floor lighting, creating an eerie ambiance. The subject is posed in combat meditation, exuding confidence and power as she stands tall, with intricate details of her armor and surroundings rendered in ultra-high definition (8K) and sharp focus, resembling a photorealistic masterpiece.,Axe,light_saber,BowHolding

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