Majestic peak ascends into radiant ,midjourney Design an image featuring the phrase "Mareas altas y buenas vibras." The scene should depict stylized green waves that gradually morph into cannabis leaves. The waves should have fluid, organic lines that give a sense of motion and relaxation. Above the waves, a bright, smiling sun with a friendly face should be depicted, radiating warmth and positivity. The background sky should be a gradient of blue, transitioning from a deeper blue at the top to a lighter blue near the horizon. The text "Mareas altas y buenas vibras" should be written in a relaxed, cursive font and placed at the top of the image.,EpicLogo,High detailed ,glass,Beautiful Beach,nodf_lora,portrait,marijuanastyle,cnb,Perfect lips,DonM3l3m3nt4l,Eyes,Beautiful eyes

Majestic peak ascends into radiant ,midjourney Design an image featuring the phrase "Mareas altas y buenas vibras." The scene should depict stylized green waves that gradually morph into cannabis leaves. The waves should have fluid, organic lines that give a sense of motion and relaxation. Above the waves, a bright, smiling sun with a friendly face should be depicted, radiating warmth and positivity. The background sky should be a gradient of blue, transitioning from a deeper blue at the top to a lighter blue near the horizon. The text "Mareas altas y buenas vibras" should be written in a relaxed, cursive font and placed at the top of the image.,EpicLogo,High detailed ,glass,Beautiful Beach,nodf_lora,portrait,marijuanastyle,cnb,Perfect lips,DonM3l3m3nt4l,Eyes,Beautiful eyes

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