In a photorealistic fantasy landscape, a majestic gnarled tree stands tall beneath a radiant sunlit sky. Its twisted branches stretch towards the heavens like nature's own cathedral, framing the serene scene. In the distance, an alien figure rises from the misty river, its bioluminescent scales shimmering in harmony with the lunar glow. The mountains rise up in the background, their rugged peaks softened by a veil of morning mist. A water fall cascades down one slope, creating a mesmerizing display of light and sound that harmonizes with the ethereal atmosphere.

In a photorealistic fantasy landscape, a majestic gnarled tree stands tall beneath a radiant sunlit sky. Its twisted branches stretch towards the heavens like nature's own cathedral, framing the serene scene. In the distance, an alien figure rises from the misty river, its bioluminescent scales shimmering in harmony with the lunar glow. The mountains rise up in the background, their rugged peaks softened by a veil of morning mist. A water fall cascades down one slope, creating a mesmerizing display of light and sound that harmonizes with the ethereal atmosphere.

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