Robbie Robbie | Pony XL | SD 1.5 | DirtyRobbie OC - SDXL|Pony

R0bbi3r0bbi3, a charming muscular tall English farmer in his late 20s, stands tall, gazing afar at the breathtaking sunset over rolling farming fields. Golden hour casts a warm glow on his rugged features: messy short hair, blonde facial hair, striking blue eyes, and a strong jawline. He wears a well-rendered red flannel with patterns, worn jeans, and heavy boots, giving off a rustic charm. His large hands:1.2, shaped by hard labor, gently grasp the rim of a worn hat as he surveys his picturesque landscape. In the soft-focused background, a motion-blurred corn cropfield stretches out, while the vibrant sky above is dotted with a rainbow, adding to the sense of serenity. The 100mm lens captures every detail, from the texture of his boots to the subtle sheen on his skin, as if frozen in time by Leica's renowned glass. A hint of film grain adds depth and authenticity to this cinematic still, evoking a sense of nostalgia and wonder.