Robbie Robbie | Pony XL | SD 1.5 | DirtyRobbie OC - SDXL|Pony

Here's a prompt for a professional head portrait of r0bbi3r0bbi3:

Frame a sharp, close-up portrait of r0bbi3r0bbi3, a 27-year-old Englishman with messy short hair and blonde facial hair. He wears a well-fitting red and white collared polo shirt that accentuates his broad shoulders. His striking blue eyes are the focal point, with thick blonde eyebrows that add to his rugged charm. Softly glowing light, reminiscent of a Leica 85mm lens, casts a warm ambiance on his face, eliminating shadows and emphasizing his smooth features. The background is blurred into a picturesque bokeh, allowing the subject's masculinity to take center stage.