amazing quality, masterpiece, best quality, hyper detailed, ultra detailed, ((Extremely beautiful 20 years old woman woken up, morning vibe, morning sunlight, ambient light, calm environment, near a window, curtain, half covered body, on a bed, bedsheet, messy hair, pale skin, lovely emotion, sunlight coming to her body in van Gogh style,)) extremely detailed, Oil painting style,v0ng44g

amazing quality, masterpiece, best quality, hyper detailed, ultra detailed, ((Extremely beautiful 20 years old woman woken up, morning vibe, morning sunlight, ambient light, calm environment, near a window, curtain, half covered body, on a bed, bedsheet, messy  hair, pale skin, lovely emotion, sunlight coming to her body in van Gogh style,)) extremely detailed, Oil painting style,v0ng44g

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