"Amidst the neon-lit streets of a futuristic metropolis, a cybernetically enhanced nun emerges, adorned in sleek latex nun attire and crowned with shimmering black spikes. With a wired smile and eyes that betray a hint of madness, she clutches a cross of white cyborg and red ceramic, a symbol of her conflicted faith in a world where tradition and technology collide.",g0thsh33rb0dysu1t,FuturEvoLab-Lora-Cyberpunk

"Amidst the neon-lit streets of a futuristic metropolis, a cybernetically enhanced nun emerges, adorned in sleek latex nun attire and crowned with shimmering black spikes. With a wired smile and eyes that betray a hint of madness, she clutches a cross of white cyborg and red ceramic, a symbol of her conflicted faith in a world where tradition and technology collide.",g0thsh33rb0dysu1t,FuturEvoLab-Lora-Cyberpunk



"Amidst the neon-lit streets of a futuristic metropolis, a cybernetically enhanced nun emerges, adorned in sleek latex nun attire and crowned with shimmering black spikes. With a wired smile and eyes that betray a hint of madness, she clutches a cross of white cyborg and red ceramic, a symbol of her conflicted faith in a world where tradition and technology collide.",g0thsh33rb0dysu1t,FuturEvoLab-Lora-Cyberpunk

Negative Prompt

((show no hair)) (ng_deepnegative_v1_75t:1.2), Bad Face, (hair), ((big boobs)) ((belly button)),(badhandv4:1), (worst quality:1.7), (low quality:1.7), (normal quality:1.7) (thick jungle Background) low-res, bad anatomy, bad hands, bad fingers, multiple faces, bad eyes, hands and fingers, watermark, moles, toe, bad-picture-chill-75v, negative-embedding, helmet,


DPM++ 2S a Karras



CFG Scale




Clip Skip




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