Title: "Gilded Grace: A 4K Pin of Timeless Beauty"
Experience the epitome of gilded grace with this hyper-realistic pin featuring a captivating lady of milk white skin. Adorned in a sumptuous costume of dark gold and black, she exudes an aura of timeless elegance. The 4K resolution captures every exquisite detail of her attire, from the intricate patterns to the luxurious textures. Her tidy hairstyle frames her sharp and beautiful face with effortless grace, enhancing her ethereal beauty. Different shades of lipstick adorn her lips in each prompt, adding a touch of allure and sophistication to her look. Against a vibrant and colorful background, she stands out like a luminous jewel, her presence commanding attention. With different eye colors in each prompt, her gaze mesmerizes with its depth and intensity. A delicate necklace graces her neck, accentuating her slender form. Her expression is one of innocence and beauty, capturing the essence of timeless allure.

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