Captain Hector Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean

Captain Hector Barbossa stands tall and imposing on the deck of his formidable pirate ship, the salty sea air whipping through his thick, dark beard adorned with beads and trinkets. His weather-beaten face, marked by years of seafaring, bears deep lines and a prominent scar running across his left cheek, a testament to his many battles. His sharp, piercing eyes command respect as he surveys the horizon with a keen gaze. Barbossa's muscular frame, honed by years at sea, fills out his long, dark coat adorned with intricate gold embroidery and embellishments, a symbol of his status as a feared pirate captain. Beneath the coat, he wears a ruffled, high-collared shirt that adds to his commanding presence. His tailored trousers are tucked into sturdy leather boots, ready for any challenge the sea may present. Atop his head sits a wide-brimmed hat, adorned with feathers and other decorations, casting a shadow over his steely gaze as he prepares to lead his crew into their next adventure.

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