Captain Hector Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean

In the dim light of a moonlit cove, Captain Hector Barbossa stands at the helm of his ship, his silhouette cast against the night sky. His above-average height and sturdy, muscular build speak of a lifetime spent at sea, weathering storms and facing down foes. The deep lines etched into his weather-beaten face tell the story of a man who has seen it all, while the prominent scar running across his left cheek serves as a reminder of battles won and lost. Barbossa's dark beard, intricately braided and adorned with beads and trinkets, adds to his imposing presence. His sharp, piercing eyes scan the horizon with a keen gaze, ever watchful for signs of danger. Adorned in his long, dark coat adorned with gold embroidery and embellishments, he cuts a striking figure against the backdrop of the night. Beneath the coat, his ruffled, high-collared shirt adds a touch of refinement to his rugged exterior. Tailored trousers, tucked into sturdy leather boots, complete his ensemble, while a wide-brimmed hat adorned with feathers and other decorations casts a shadow over his determined expression.

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