Analog photo of two New Yorkers in (1970s) New York, man with woman,1977, man with glasses hailing a cab while woman waits on curb on a busy tree-lined street, autumn, classic film, [directed by Martin Scorsese], (directed by Woody Allen), directed by Wes Anderson, [retro-futurism], (film grain), reel-to-reel cinematography, highly detailed elements, neurotic appearance, [drab] fashion inspired by Mia Farrow and Diane Keaton and Tina Chow and Annie Hall \(1977\) and [Christopher Walken] and [Robert Redford] and [Billy Crystal], (iconic and classic), jazz music soundtrack, expertly framed shot, award-winning movie still, f5.6, earth tones, detailed faces, tweed, plaid, Perfect Hands

Analog photo of two New Yorkers in (1970s) New York, man with woman,1977, man with glasses hailing a cab while woman waits on curb on a busy tree-lined street, autumn, classic film, [directed by Martin Scorsese], (directed by Woody Allen), directed by Wes Anderson, [retro-futurism], (film grain), reel-to-reel cinematography, highly detailed elements, neurotic appearance, [drab] fashion inspired by Mia Farrow and Diane Keaton and Tina Chow and Annie Hall \(1977\) and [Christopher Walken] and [Robert Redford] and [Billy Crystal], (iconic and classic), jazz music soundtrack, expertly framed shot, award-winning movie still, f5.6, earth tones, detailed faces, tweed, plaid, Perfect Hands

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