Analog photo of two New Yorkers in 1970s New York, man with woman, walking down a busy tree-lined street and talking, autumn, classic film, directed by Martin Scorsese, directed by Woody Allen, [directed by Wes Anderson], [retro-futurism], film grain, reel-to-reel cinematography, highly detailed elements, neurotic appearance, drab fashion inspired by Mia Farrow and Tina Chow, (iconic and classic), jazz music soundtrack, glasses

Analog photo of two New Yorkers in 1970s New York, man with woman, walking down a busy tree-lined street and talking, autumn, classic film, directed by Martin Scorsese, directed by Woody Allen, [directed by Wes Anderson], [retro-futurism], film grain, reel-to-reel cinematography, highly detailed elements, neurotic appearance, drab fashion inspired by Mia Farrow and Tina Chow, (iconic and classic), jazz music soundtrack, glasses

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