The arrogant girl: Valentina, 19 yo, (((black, afro))). (((afro-descendant))), (((black skin))), (((black girl))), (((african woman))), Fluffy hair, arrogant attitude, dresses in cold colors. studies design and fashion, body A very arrogant student who thinks she is better than everyone else. She is not interested in associating with the protagonist and despises him for his maintenance work. standing, arrogant pose, looking at viewer, arrogant, (((nude, naked))), skinny

The arrogant girl: Valentina, 19 yo, (((black, afro))). (((afro-descendant))), (((black skin))), (((black girl))), (((african woman))), Fluffy hair, arrogant attitude, dresses in cold colors. studies design and fashion, body A very arrogant student who thinks she is better than everyone else. She is not interested in associating with the protagonist and despises him for his maintenance work. standing, arrogant pose, looking at viewer, arrogant, (((nude, naked))), skinny

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