Style & Content Combiner & Lora - Mix Images and Create Art



You can combine style and content easily with images with this tool!

No need to write a lot of prompt to describe your output image!

After adding your Style and Content images as input, just write your prompt briefly, then configure other minor details to give maximum customization, done!


-"Presets" on the bottom of the settings heavily influence the Amount of Style to be added to Output image. Using "PLUS - High Strength" can create results with Style added to every corner of the image, but using "Standard - Medium Strength" will give subtle touches on the Output image. For instance, I change style of a game object simply by Preset "Standard", Style Weight 0.3, Content weight 2 (or 2.5) with a relevant Lora, while using Preset "Plus" creates very interesting striking results with equal strengths of Style Weight and Content Weight.

So don't hesitate to experiment and try new things.
