
A darkened Gotham Cityscape unfolds in a crimson red haze as Batman crouches low, his eyes fixed intently on the horizon. A bright yellow sun hangs ominously above, casting an eerie glow. Inspired by Mike Deodato's bold lines and Raymond Swanland's cinematic flair, this Batman is shrouded in mystery, his very presence seeming to draw the shadows closer. As The Joker cackles maniacally in the background, Batman's gaze remains fixed, his grip on justice as unyielding as ever.

A darkened Gotham Cityscape unfolds in a crimson red haze as Batman crouches low, his eyes fixed intently on the horizon. A bright yellow sun hangs ominously above, casting an eerie glow. Inspired by Mike Deodato's bold lines and Raymond Swanland's cinematic flair, this Batman is shrouded in mystery, his very presence seeming to draw the shadows closer. As The Joker cackles maniacally in the background, Batman's gaze remains fixed, his grip on justice as unyielding as ever.
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