
A serene scene unfolds: a man floats effortlessly in a sun-kissed Tokyo suburb. Vibrant houses and gardens teem with life beneath a soft, golden glow cast by the sun on lush blades of grass. Distant mountains majestically rise into the distance, framed by an azure sky dotted with wispy white clouds. In this ultra-realistic digital painting, vivid colors and intricate details leap from the canvas, reminiscent of Greg Rutkowski's style. Sharp focus and studio-like lighting accentuate the subject, as if plucked straight from a Ghibli anime film.

A serene scene unfolds: a man floats effortlessly in a sun-kissed Tokyo suburb. Vibrant houses and gardens teem with life beneath a soft, golden glow cast by the sun on lush blades of grass. Distant mountains majestically rise into the distance, framed by an azure sky dotted with wispy white clouds. In this ultra-realistic digital painting, vivid colors and intricate details leap from the canvas, reminiscent of Greg Rutkowski's style. Sharp focus and studio-like lighting accentuate the subject, as if plucked straight from a Ghibli anime film.
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