
Omari Lansdale. Youngest Son/ LiL Bro*. This Energetic and High Spirited young-man seemingly gets into all kinds of mischief, but with pure good intentions... for the most part. He is still at the age where Talent/s haven't developed yet, within about the last stages of puberty is usually when (Elohim) children showcase strong signs of their potential powers, but unknowingly to the Family he displayed signs early-on. In the Dream State he can enter the realm of possibility that is directly tethered to his actions and Who or What affects him. This was dismissed by his parents as overactive imagination, until he Foretold certain specific events that they all witness themselves. Elohimian biology prevents them from digesting synthetically processed foods, however Omari is able to. This causes bizarre chemical reactions in his body: Painful stomach discomfort, IBS, and causes him to rapidly age around 5-6 years within minutes.

Against a misty cityscape at dusk, a smiling suave young black boy, approximately 15 years old, stands confidently and strong on a hover-board crafted from shimmering light. His sleek, futuristic graphics T-shirt and dark jeans accentuate his urban charm. older Adolescence radiates from his features as magical energy pulses through his hands, casting a warm glow on his very low-cut. Fierce, cool shoes complete the futuristic ensemble.
Against a misty cityscape at dusk, a smiling suave young black teen boy, approximately 18 years old, and muscular toned stands confidently and strong on a disc of light crafted from shimmering light. His sleek, futuristic graphics T-shirt and dark gray jeans accentuate his urban charm.  radiates from his features as magical energy pulses through his body, casting a warm glow on his very low-cut brown hair. Fierce, cool shoes complete the futuristic ensemble.
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