
A cunning goblin from the world of Dungeons and Dragons, Forgotten Realms, is depicted as an assassin and thief in this vivid scene. He wears a distinctive blue leather hat, has a long pointed nose, and dons a leather brown jacket. Knives and a money bag hang from his belt as he stealthily sneaks into a treasure room. The image, whether a painting or illustration, exudes a sense of intrigue and danger. Every detail is expertly rendered, from the goblin's sly expression to the intricate design of his attire. The colors are rich and captivating, drawing the viewer into this thrilling fantasy world. art style by Frank Frazetta, art style by Moebius

A cunning goblin from the world of Dungeons and Dragons, Forgotten Realms, is depicted as an assassin and thief in this vivid scene. He wears a distinctive blue leather hat, has a long pointed nose, and dons a leather brown jacket. Knives and a money bag hang from his belt as he stealthily sneaks into a treasure room. The image, whether a painting or illustration, exudes a sense of intrigue and danger. Every detail is expertly rendered, from the goblin's sly expression to the intricate design of his attire. The colors are rich and captivating, drawing the viewer into this thrilling fantasy world. art style by Frank Frazetta, art style by Moebius
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