
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, single wing, evil, tattooed all over, a heavenly guardian, its normally radiant aura now dimmed by mortal wounds, bursts into the grand hall with frantic urgency. The once-stalwart warrior's usually unyielding expression is replaced by a look of desperation as it rushes to convey crucial information to the gathered officials. In a chaotic flurry of motion, the injured god stumbles forward, its usually immaculate attire now disheveled and bloodied, ancient China style

In Chinese mythology, solo, 1monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, single wing, evil, tattooed all over, a heavenly guardian, its normally radiant aura now dimmed by mortal wounds, bursts into the grand hall with frantic urgency. The once-stalwart warrior's usually unyielding expression is replaced by a look of desperation as it rushes to convey crucial information to the gathered officials. In a chaotic flurry of motion, the injured god stumbles forward, its usually immaculate attire now disheveled and bloodied, ancient China style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, single wing, evil, tattooed all over, a heavenly guardian, its normally radiant aura now dimmed by mortal wounds, bursts into the grand hall with frantic urgency. The once-stalwart warrior's usually unyielding expression is replaced by a look of desperation as it rushes to convey crucial information to the gathered officials. In a chaotic flurry of motion, the injured god stumbles forward, its usually immaculate attire now disheveled and bloodied, ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (single wing), evil, tattooed all over, a heavenly guardian, its normally radiant aura now dimmed by mortal wounds, bursts into the grand hall with frantic urgency. The once-stalwart warrior's usually unyielding expression is replaced by a look of desperation as it rushes to convey crucial information to the gathered officials. In a chaotic flurry of motion, the injured god stumbles forward, its usually immaculate attire now disheveled and bloodied, ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (single wing), evil, tattooed all over, in the prison, ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (shackles, in the prison:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (shackles, chains, in the prison:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (look back, from back:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (hold up a token:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, full bady, (hold up a token:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (full bady1:2), (lift up a token:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (full bady1:2), (lift up a badge:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, long shot, wide shot, (full shot:1.2), (lift up token :1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (full shot:1.2), (holding up token:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, A faint sneer of satisfaction crossedhisface, ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (chortle:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (roar with laughter:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, solo, 1male, monster, dishevelled hair, dark red hair, cyan face, fangs, fat lips, wide mouth, strong, muscular, short, (wing), evil, tattooed all over, (giggle:1.2), ancient China style, boichi manga style
In Chinese mythology, sandalwood, incense, smoky, ancient China style, boichi manga style
A serene and mystical atmosphere unfolds in a dimly lit, ancient China-inspired setting. Softly glowing candles and wisps of smoky incense waft through the air, carried by the gentle breeze. In the foreground, a majestic warrior stands tall, dressed in traditional boichi-style armor, adorned with intricate designs and symbols. The sandalwood-colored wooden screen behind him appears worn and weathered, bearing the patina of centuries past.
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